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Tania tokustar

A brony from galaxy’s far away

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To anyone who is following me · 5:11am Feb 2nd, 2022

What’s your opinion on #shutupgringo2022?

“The controversy was started by a fan art made by a Japanese artist about the animated film Charm, which features the Madrigals. In the poster published by the user REDTEARS_00 on Twitter, the skin tone of the members of the Colombian family is softened, giving them a whiter appearance than that drawn by Disney.
This color treatment did not seem to please some American users of the social network, who criticized the procedure carried out by the artist and even accused him of wanting to whitewash the Latin American characters.
Although the hearts of these users were in the right place, they did not expect the massive response they were going to have from Internet users in the region, who put their sense of humor at the service of a common cause: attacking the gringos. The offensive was even baptized as #ShutUpGringo2022 (shut up gringo 2022, in Spanish).
Criticism focuses on the misconception that many Americans have regarding what a Latin American should look like. The reality is that there is great ethnic diversity in the population of the region, a diversity that is often ignored, and that leaves out those with a lighter complexion”

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