• Member Since 19th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen Mar 31st, 2022


"A princess? No, no, no. Alicorns aren't naturally royalty. We've existed long before Equestria was founded."

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  • 162 weeks
    What Type of Biomes/Climates Border Deserts?

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What Type of Biomes/Climates Border Deserts? · 5:49pm Dec 15th, 2021

No, this is not a Minecraft question. This is more of a geological question. Geography was never a class I took.
I have an adventure idea for the desert, but I want the dilemma that arises to make sense. The characters will be travelling on hoof to get to the desert and what happens prior to the desert sets up the struggle they'll be facing in the desert. I tried googling it, but for once didn't get a direct answer shoved into my face. Does anyone know the name of the types of biomes that border deserts in the real world?
Is a Savannah one of them? What are others?

Comments ( 2 )

A Desert is defined by its precipitation.
Ergo, you can ‘show off’ by stating correctly that the Antarctic Desert is surrounded entirely by an Oceanic Biome.

I'm aware Antarctica is a desert, yes. Thank you for that. But the one I'm focusing on is a the kind Genie would sing about in Aladdin but with 5x as much sand and heat.
Also, it's taking place in Equestria, so I don't want to throw real world places into it because horse puns are not my forte. Fish puns are.

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