Trying not to break a rule before I even get started... · 12:29am Jul 1st, 2021
I’m more of an editor than a writer. I don’t feel confident in my writing skills and more so than that I have little self-esteem or confidence in my ideas. My story telling is far from perfect, but my grammar skills and attention to detail are closer to perfect than my story telling.
After I started writing I went and looked at the rules and I think I may have broken one, the Meta one, though I do not explicitly state this website, I do kind of reference my actual profile picture (specifically the SCP) in one line and there's another thing that might get me in trouble with the Meta rule.
My question is can someone tell me if I've gone too far? Who do I approach about that (aside from bugging a staff member)?
And I do have a solution to fix it, though I'm not too thrilled because I'd have to make several changes, so I won't need any suggestions for doing so if I've messed up.
From the way it sounds I’m pretty sure you are okay.
Alright, thanks. I'd hate to break the rules and get banned over me not understanding.
Naw, they are pretty understanding. If it was a mistake they would tell you like they did when I first came here.
Glad to hear!! Thanks so much!