• Member Since 8th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen July 15th


To write is to create entire universes. You are a god. But will you be a kind god or a cruel god? Unfortunately, many are cruel, simply to entertain other gods.

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  • 6 weeks


    3 comments · 67 views
  • 77 weeks
    New Directions

    I've decided to start working more on the Fallout fic and even rewriting Where the Apples Grow. It's come to my attention that it's been years since I've started here on Fimfiction and I have definitely improved, so you can expect new chapters as well as reworks of older chapters in Redemption is Magic.

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    2 comments · 252 views
  • 106 weeks


    4 comments · 223 views
  • 114 weeks
    Current Update

    We had initially planned to end the Fluttershy Arc in the current chapter, but after some debate, we had decided it would be better to create more buildup. Zone's character had not been fleshed out and I had originally wanted to show more of her viewpoints and emotions. Luckily, with some urgency from one of our editors, we have been able to agree upon extending this arc due to a lack of buildup

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    11 comments · 320 views
  • 123 weeks
    I'm not dead.

    My current silence is due to a living situation that is currently changing. I will soon be able to work on the stories again.

    1 comments · 203 views

B R E A D · 5:13am Nov 14th, 2021

Y'all ever just eat bread?

Report Shimmer_Bolt · 221 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Ummm…am I missing something here?

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