• Member Since 25th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


You think you are unworthy, but you have the heart of a Ranger. Believe in yourself. https://discord.gg/hhfUkFdRrp

More Blog Posts3

  • 145 weeks
    Happy birthday to my friend Samantha

    Haha, I'm proud to be your friend. Thanks for putting up with me and Splat for so long 😅. Hope you have a good one.

    2 comments · 183 views
  • 319 weeks
    Rage Across time #2

    Ares tries to fight Godzilla and gets killed easily

    Godzilla destroys the mountain they live on by pushing the Hydra into it

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    0 comments · 457 views
  • 375 weeks
    Godzilla is OP as heck

    How the hell did I not read these sooner

    Godzilla: Rage Across Time #2

    Godzilla in Hell 1-5

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    9 comments · 430 views

Happy birthday to my friend Samantha · 7:21pm Oct 12th, 2021

Haha, I'm proud to be your friend. Thanks for putting up with me and Splat for so long 😅. Hope you have a good one.

Report Kaiju4ever · 183 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Thanks Kaiju, love ya too.

I love both of ya!

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