I've tried to write, but it didn't work. Old me have died. · 8:39am Sep 26th, 2021
What just happened?... Writing makes me tired. Whenever I sit down to create anything, I feel strong powerlessness. I can't write anymore. I can no longer create good stories. I have lost that talent. So... What else can I do but quit? This is sad because the writing was the only thing I could really do, other than play games on my laptop. The thing that made me feel... Like someone. Someone of value, talented, and undoubtedly capable of telling an interesting story. But today... I'm no longer the same person I used to be. The old me just died. I tried to resuscitate that corpse, but it was pointless from the start.
I doubt that if I apologize to you guys for this, it will make any difference. Why? I have apologized many times before, and in retrospect, I think that apology was simply empty and meaningless. Especially since... You know what it looked like. Once I came back, then I left, then I came back again and left again. In other words, I just didn't know what I was doing.
It's over. Just over.