• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 51 minutes ago

Necrogen Lord

Crossovers and Sci-Fi are my bread and butter.

More Blog Posts131

  • 25 weeks
    Back to the Grind

    So, I'm planning on finally getting back to writing my old stories.

    Also I'm at Harmonycon, so if you see someone with my name on their tag it's probably my body double to act as a decoy while I stalk the panels.

    0 comments · 131 views
  • 60 weeks
    Update & Event

    Hello all, I hope you who read this are in good health and spirits. It's been far too long since I've said anything on my account other than posting random stuff here and there to my whims. I've been struggling IRL with motivation and my idea of what I want my future to be, but enough about that, I'm here to do two things:

    1. Promote the Summer Sin Celebration

    2. Get back to my stories

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    0 comments · 227 views
  • 116 weeks
    Summer Sin Celebration! (18+)

    It's that wonderful time of year! Again! Once more!

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    1 comments · 168 views
  • 143 weeks

    October? Skelingtons? Spook music? You know what that means!

    It's Jinglemas season!

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  • 151 weeks
    Laptop problems

    So my laptop's getting all sorts of problems, restarting every day and taking 30+ minutes to start up, shutting down every time I try to open some apps, and now it says the battery's dying and needs to be replaced. I tested it out and it only lasts 10 minutes off the plug at the lowest power settings, so I'm dropping it off at a repair shop this weekend. Don't know when I'll be back, but

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Commissions Open! · 10:44pm Jun 1st, 2021

You heard right, I'm now taking Commissions! I will write your story request!

Honestly, I'm a bit nervous about this prospect, but I'm in between jobs and would like something to kill the time while I'm applying for a job and classes.

Price ranges (all prices listed in USD):
3k words = $15
5k words = $20

Samples of my work:

I will take 5 comms at a time, and aim to have them out in 2-3 weeks. After a month, comms will open again and I will take 5 more. Payment is done through Paypal directly, and you can choose to either pay upfront or wait until the story's published.

I will, however, take a HARD PASS on the following topics:
1. Scat/watersports
2. Necrophilia
3. Diapers
4. Foalcon
5. Violent Rape

I will accept commissions for other fetishes depending on how intense/extreme they are, however they may involve the price going up a little bit.

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