• Member Since 26th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Writing is a lot like life. It depresses the hell out of me, but I still go on with it for some weird reason.

More Blog Posts16

  • 64 weeks
    New The Book of AppleDash chapter releasing on Monday

    Two years. Two. Goddamn. Years. I cannot begin to tell you all how disappointed I am that it took me this long to finish the next chapter, but I guess it's better late than never. So yes, the new chapter will be released Monday, August 7th. I don't have an exact time down but expect to see the new chapter drop sometime around 12:00 EST. I want to give myself some time to make some small edits and

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  • 113 weeks
    .out.of.character.: A Study of the Storm

    (Spoilers abound. Because of their overall importance to the analysis, I will not be blocking them. If you have not read the fic yet, I'd suggest you do that first before reading this. Trust me, it's completely worth it.)

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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  • 114 weeks
    What's Popping

    Whaddup? What's crack-a-lacking? What's shakin' bacon? Okay, I'll stop with the cheesy intro lines and get serious.

    I haven't written anything in a while. I've been in a slump when it comes to my stories, both old and new. The only story I've been working on is Ponyville Local News, and even then, I've been struggling with new ideas.

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  • 144 weeks
    New Story

    So it's been a while since I've posted something to this site. I took a bit of a break to try to get better at writing and manage some personal issues. Finally, I wrote something I was proud enough of to share, so this ends my hiatus. I know I have a bad track record of updating my fics, but I've got most of the chapters pretty well planned out for this story, so new chapters should come out

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  • 166 weeks
    Early 1 Year Fimfiction Celebration… Sort Of

    Alright, so tomorrow is going to be my 1 year anniversary of joining Fimfiction. It’s crazy it’s been that long, and I’ve had such a great time writing and reading stories. And I am so grateful for everybody that threw a follow my way. It means a lot to me. So I want to do something cool for the celebration, but I have no idea what. Maybe an AMA, maybe talking about a certain story I love, maybe

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Writing Update #3 · 3:01am May 4th, 2021

Haha, another writing update at last! I have a bit that I want to talk about, so I’m just going to get started. First off, I’ve published two stories since my last update. Fly Me To The Moon did fairly well, so I can’t complain much about that. The Final Chance made it MUCH farther on the popular stories list then it had any right of being on. But when it comes to The Final Chance, I don’t really care about it’s popularity. It’s just a very personal story for me, something I needed to get out, and I’m happy I did. So, moving on...

Let’s talk about updates. Book of AppleDash is nearly done, so expect that soon. Sweet Pepper is kind of being put to the side, but it’s not necessarily on hiatus. I’m still thinking about it, and trying to figure out how to write the next few chapters. Same happened with Book of AppleDash. I’m also seriously debating about submitting Equestrian Thrones again, just as a way to see how far I come. But honestly, I don’t know.

Now, what new stuff I’m working on. A couple ideas I’m writing drafts for, a couple comedies, a couple dramas, maybe even a couple of romances. However, I’m most interested in the new shipping contest that’s been recently announced. Contests are spreading up here like wildfire, and I really want to try my hand at writing one. I didn’t do any last month for... reasons. I have no excuse for the Cadence is a Bad Mom one, I’m sure I could have done something with that. But I generally dislike Friendship is Optimal, quite a bit actually, so there was no way in hell I was forcing myself to write a side story. Might check out some of the submitted stories, probably some gold in there.

So that’s kind of it. I just got my Fallout Equestria books today, so yeah. Today was a good day.

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