Thank You · 11:39pm Mar 21st, 2021
I wanted to thank you all for your support through the years. My stories have been a source of pride for me, but unfortunately I'm done with the MLP side of fanfics. I'm officially retiring. Please know that I have genuinely appreciated all the support, love and criticism you've given me in this journey I've taken to become a better writer. I plan to move onto better projects, more personal stuff as well as some fanfics over on Archive Of Our Own. I haven't decided on that yet.
Thank you so much for your support here on Fimfiction. I love you all and I hope you all have prosperous, happy lives.
Nyx <3
Good luck out there, awesome possum! 😌
Good luck to you with your new projects! Did you delete your stories? I see only one.
No, they're all there.
Oops, sorry i misinformed you, i meant Nyx-E-Stix's stories.
Oof, XD
Take care out there, hope everything goes as well as you wish it to.
Oh great, I've been away from this site for so long that now I won't ever be able to remember why I followed this person.