• Member Since 9th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen September 7th


Recovering from being more cringe when I was last active.

More Blog Posts7

  • 103 weeks
    In Regards to My Stories

    I don't know whether I want to delete them yet or not. All I know is that they're extremely cringe to me now, so I'm cancelling them (except for All Equestria's Tomorrows, I feel that's kinda salvageable).

    I'm sorry to anyone who ran into them while trying to find regular old stories.

    0 comments · 95 views
  • 186 weeks
    Random Nerding Out

    Nerd Mode Activated

    Tyrannosaurus rex was supposed to be named Dynamosaurus imperiosus, but outcries from the general public when the information came out peer pressured paleontologists to keeping the dinosaur as the former.

    Read More

    0 comments · 173 views
  • 188 weeks
    Renamed Story

    Random Comedy Skits is now known as A Series of Random Shiz.

    0 comments · 116 views
  • 190 weeks
    Co-Author, Anyone?

    If you are skilled at writing and think this story is interesting, just tell me.
    The password this time is "anenigmaticencounter"

    7 comments · 169 views
  • 190 weeks
    Help: The Sequel

    I would like to promote my story (tagged in the blog) without coming off as an a-hole or just plain annoying. Are there any strategies that could be used, or is a popular story only gained by mere luck/patience?

    0 comments · 123 views

Co-Author, Anyone? · 4:09am Feb 13th, 2021

If you are skilled at writing and think this story is interesting, just tell me.
The password this time is "anenigmaticencounter"

Report GodzillaSpino · 169 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

... This links to the Daring Do story. Why is it called “lost child”?:trixieshiftright:

Because I decided to change it

I probably should've deleted this long ago

Anyway do you want the long version or short version of why I changed it?

long version, but only if it’s interesting.

So, I'd read a fanfiction called Griffon of Canterlot, and I thought it was interesting. Naturally, as I am, I decided, "Hey, how would it look if Goji was the one in Gale (the main character)'s place?" Basically, a foreign-creature-in-Equestria fic. I could only go 200 words then lost interest. A month or so after, my older brother was watching Forge Labs Minecraft videos, and I became inspired. So, for reasons even I don't remember, instead of making a new story and deleting "Lost Child" (stupid title, I know), I instead changed it into the Daring Do story.

Sorry it took me so long to answer, I was going back home from school and didn't have my phone.

And I hoped I’d found some secret hint for the end of the DD+NS story.:scootangel:

Sorry it took me so long to answer, I was going back home from school and didn't have my phone.

Eh, don’t worry. I’m no better and I (currently) have access to the internet 24/7:derpytongue2:


And I hoped I’d found some secret hint for the end of the DD+NS story.:scootangel:

Well, the story does take place in the same universe as A Series of Random Shiz (well, not quite, but you get the point), so maybe there MIGHT be some hints dropped in. Can't guarantee it though.

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