• Member Since 27th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2022


just a dude who likes mlp way to much for some reason

More Blog Posts15

  • 178 weeks
    i am doind a biography on m.a Larsen!

    for a school project we are doing a biography on a person we idolize. i was going to do Lauren Faust but she is not as present in the mlp comunity as m.a larsen. so im going to do m.a larsen. any interviews you know of or just any info in general would be very helpfull.

    0 comments · 121 views
  • 180 weeks
    i want to right a few poems for a friend any ideas

    i have not seen my best friend in 2 years because of covid. he does not even go to school or choir or karate anymore, so i want to wright a few poems about how much i miss him but my mind is completely blank. i need to do this soon cus i really want to show him how much i miss as soon as i can.

    but again any topics, ideas, suggestion, places i could look for ideas, so on.

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    0 comments · 100 views
  • 182 weeks
    i made a pony oc named sunnybubbles yay

    i am making a back story right now and i have a sketched him but i need to make a file on the pc i have to do it so i have to use a painting program, i have never used one so, this might be a challenge. any suggestions on a program i could us?

    2 comments · 130 views
  • 182 weeks
    A surprise from death

    A surprise from death 

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    0 comments · 104 views
  • 182 weeks
    i am going to post a short story i wrote jacked up on redbull

    its not going to be spelt right but I want the original thing posted lmao.

    0 comments · 110 views

7 days of love chapter 2 is almost done. · 12:12pm Dec 15th, 2020

its almost done but i dont really like were the story is going tho sorry.

Report jonniejiggles · 51 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

and this, my friend, is exactly why i put Hoop Dreams on hiatus. nice to see someone else can relate.

you like the pic of russ?

i like the pony better (russ is pretty cool tho)

wow, i didn't think yall liked it that much

i love it. its a really cool oc. (and its just weird seeing your profile pic haveing russ in it)

I never really thought about it being my OC, but I guess it sort of is. It doesn't have a name, though.

i have an oc, named jonniejiggles, its me in an alicorn onzie lmao

Why don't you use that for your pic instead of a muscular Isabelle bonking herself on the head

your profile picture? ( sorry for the late response i was doing recess in school.

Can’t wait ^_^

No, you said you had an OC so I suggested you use that for your pic

also im done with chapter two, i just dont know were i should end it, i have extra for chapter three, but i dont know if i should end it at a short clif hanger or keep going a little bit. any sugestions

I don't think you needed to use the reply button for that one

i just do cus im talking to you

oh well in that case ill check out chapter two maybe

ok il pst it for a bit

btw this is the bad copy. i'm just doing editing.

do what you wanna do man

after youre done you should tell me how you liked it.

If I get around to reading it I will.

Just please don't be upset if I don't read it, it's just that it may not be my type of fic.

i wont, the only reason i wanted you to read it is your opinion, you don't have to.

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