• Member Since 30th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen May 12th, 2021

get fucked retard

"I hOpE tHeY dOnT hAcK mY fImFiCtIoN!!!!!"

More Blog Posts10

  • 173 weeks
    What happened to my main account on discord

    To keep everything simple it was someone who was thinking I had personal information about people when o don’t publicly show anyone information without permission first. I don’t think I ever publicly uploaded people things unless it’s something someone has information on a issue. Don’t blame the message that bring public information it’s public for a reason those dumbass thinking I’m stupid I

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    3 comments · 391 views
  • 195 weeks
    Cody W Patrick backstabbing pedo

    This person I used to know for 2 years now went behind me and lied many times in the past .

    Now in prison for life for rape a 12 year old in Ohio.

    He did it without me knowing what going on if you wanted to know his beliefs he was sadistic type I’m not kidding you what happened in his server.

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    0 comments · 532 views
  • 207 weeks
    Weekly updates on everything what’s going on with my stuff.

    Firstly, I’ll have to remind everyone that my last blog update from last week were a hard time for me to explain what’s going on lately.

    I have tendency to get upset if reading about something no one else likes.

    My obsession outcomes are irrational due to my mind thinking someone going to blame it on me.

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    0 comments · 390 views
  • 209 weeks
    I removed all fics I didn’t want to like anyway

    I have removed all foalcon content and insist content off my bookshelf’s ,I will not allow myself to read or be given theses please be warned I will not like u if you write this stuff I’m not going to now not accept anything sort of troll or shits fics and underage characters or aged up not allowing this to judge myself for this decision I’ll make.

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    1 comments · 498 views
  • 209 weeks
    All my bookshelves are now private

    As of recently events on discord and ect I’m not allowing anyone to see my reads I’m sad to say no one needs to know my liking any more until I feel like showing again.

    Dms are now close on this account unless it’s important like co writing

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Weekly updates on everything what’s going on with my stuff. · 8:22am Aug 4th, 2020

Firstly, I’ll have to remind everyone that my last blog update from last week were a hard time for me to explain what’s going on lately.

I have tendency to get upset if reading about something no one else likes.

My obsession outcomes are irrational due to my mind thinking someone going to blame it on me.

because my summer been going terrible in a sense online I ready had multiple discord server raids on my server multiple times not now at least they understand to buzz off, I been trying to get my life from boring to to trying to get more interact with people I try depressly to Get my writing done but

I can’t honestly don’t blame it on block. I just been having a lot of drama going on that’s doesn’t relate on me nor situations.

I can’t say it here but I’m been upset with a few individuals I once trusted long ago but I feel I failed to knowledge my stupidity not to trust anyone words with my loyalty being present to anyone who I think to fit my standards about friendships.

Honestly I’m too loyal to people I feel need to know I have reason to keep there words as A say. you know that feeling u gave someone word and you’ll not lie about it. I lost my trust in a individual for 2 years now sadly enough.

I’m like a elephant I don’t forget detail, if you guys at all remember old legend or vixen himself He’s been accused of child Mostar four months ago which breaks my heart that I hear my only oldest person I know was now in prison for awhile, after that notice I got today I was to late knowing that he’s was odd ball around me .

his server in my hands and I have to take guard of his responsibility as a leader myself, I know I been babbling but I’m terid as heck anyways gn.

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