• Member Since 16th Jan, 2013
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When I'm not drawing ponies and dragons, I'm probably reading about ponies and dragons.

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  • 212 weeks
    Pony Prompt Generator

    After a couple months, my first ever programming project is complete!
    I present to you, the Pony Prompt Generator!

    Between the show and the comics, there are a lot of characters and locations yet to be explored in a fanon capacity.

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Pony Prompt Generator · 3:49pm Jul 2nd, 2020

After a couple months, my first ever programming project is complete!
I present to you, the Pony Prompt Generator!

Between the show and the comics, there are a lot of characters and locations yet to be explored in a fanon capacity.
In an effort to remedy this, I've put together a generator that randomly picks from roughly 1500 characters, 400 scenarios, and 80 locations.
Between that and the hundreds of other factors and filters, the outcomes are ever-changing!

Hopefully, this can be a fun new tool to help those suffering from writer's block.
Or even a self-imposed challenge to make some of these prompts work at all.
Who knows? There are plenty of ways to utilize this lil' program ^^

Whatever you decide to do with it, let me know! I'd love to see what kind of stuff this generator spurs on in the community!

Edit* Fixed a folder issue that was doubling the resources (and the file size). The above link has the updated build.

Comments ( 2 )

For the Linux users, you can also run this with simply java -jar "Pony Prompt Generator.exe" since it's just/also a jar.

Nice application! The Types and Filters are really nice.

One thing you might want to look at is why src/ (and more specifically, src/images/) is in the exe, since every image is already (as a resource) in the images/ folder? This makes the exe double the size.

Thanks ^^
And thanks for the heads up! My workspace was a disaster by the time I was done with this build. Sounds like I wound up lumping in an unnecessary folder -_-; Will be sure to fix that for the update.

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