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Dawn Flower

Have you ever heard about the theory about how subatomic particles can pop into existence at random? Well, replace subatomic particles with updates and you have my writing style in a nutshell.

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  • 249 weeks
    Fic Cancellation #4 - Pre War Events

    Sunset Shimmer is the original creator of the Impelled Metamorphosis Potion, since she has been studying ever since she was young on how to become an alicorn. In the early days of the war, when it was just starting out, she presented her first batch to Twilight, as a way of creating super alicorn soldiers. However, because the war was only just starting, Twilight thought that it was too extreme

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  • 249 weeks
    Fic Cancellation #4 - Locations

    The story takes place in the Trottingham Wasteland, which is an island nation, on the east coast of the Equestrian mainland.

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  • 249 weeks
    Fic Cancellation #4 - Characters

    Party Members

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  • 249 weeks
    Fic Cancellation #4 - Continued

    After Mareland is attacked, most of the captured ponies are brought back to Paradise Hills. This is the first stop that Lightning’s group takes to free the captured ponies. When they finish their attack on Paradise Hills, they manage to rescue most of the captured ponies from Mareland; however, several of them are still missing, including Lightning’s mother, having been taken to the Fort, which

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  • 249 weeks
    Fic Cancellation #4

    A while ago, I came up with plans for a Fallout Equestria story, but I never got around to writing it and probably never will, so I'll just post what I came up with here.


    Home is now behind you, the world is ahead.


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Fic Cancellation #4 - Locations · 6:22pm May 6th, 2020

The story takes place in the Trottingham Wasteland, which is an island nation, on the east coast of the Equestrian mainland.

Mareland is a small settlement, where the main character is from. In Mareland, there are two teams that make up how the settlement survives, which are also subdivided into two other groups; the home teams, which are divided between the guard team, which keeps watch against raiders, and the repair team, which keep things running around the town; and the wasteland team, which is subdivided between trading team, which goes to nearby settlements to trade, and scavenging team, which searches pre-war areas for anything valuable. Years ago, Lightning’s father and his friend, Blitz, were on the scavenging team. One day, while they were out, Lightning’s father met her mother, who at that point lived in a nearby settlement. They quickly became smitten with one another. He then requested a transfer to the trade team, so that he could see her more often, while Blitz stayed with the scavenging team. The two of them eventually fell in love, got married, moved to Mareland, and had a daughter. Lightning is the only pegasus in the settlement, because one of her ancestors from before the war, on her father’s side, was a pegasus, and she’s the first one since then. By the time of the story, her father is still with the trade team, her mother is with the repair team, and Lightning is a guard. She has a battle-saddle with a hunting rifle. Her hunting rifle is named, ‘Flash’, and it has her cutie mark carved into the handle; a lightning bolt splitting a cloud in half.

Clinic is a small town in Trottingham, named for the Ministry of Peace clinic that the town is built around. When the megaspells fell, the clinic was left relatively unharmed, along with the medicine and technology inside. These circumstances lead a lot of doctors to the area, and restored the clinic to working condition. The clinic was then used the same way as it had in the days before the war. When more and more people came, it drew in the trading caravans for trade, and eventually the town grew around it. There are also laser defences around the perimeter of the clinic, which provides the town with extra protection, and is how it has survived so long, with Red Eye’s forces and other groups in the region.

The Steel Rangers Bunker is the main base for the Trottingham chapter. It is run by the local Elder. There’s also Knight Havoc, Paladin Hawkeye, and Star Paladin Mustang. Mustang and his team are more open minded than the rest of the Steel Rangers, seeing the worth of ghouls, since they’ve lived for so long and have a lot of information that they might not have any other way of obtaining. He also believes that they should be using their technology for the people, to improve the wasteland. Although, he also knows better than to publically voice these concerns. Mustang has aspirations of becoming the next Elder, working his way up through the ranks, until he has the authority to start changing things. All the other members of the team is an earth pony, however, Mustang is a unicorn, although his horn is so small that he can still wear power armor. His helmet detaches easily so that he can use magic in a pinch, since he’s so good at using fire spells. Mustang also believes in the old legends of the power armored unicorn during the war, who he sees as his hero, and who inspired him to pursue his current goals.

The Enclave has regular contact with the surface in Trottingham, sending their forces on scouting missions every so often. One of their military bases is located right above the Trottingham area, which is run by Major Hurricane, who is named after Commander Hurricane, who he sees as one of the greatest pegasus warriors in history.

Goodsprings is the main settlement in Trottingham, with the self-proclaimed title ‘Nicest Town in the Wasteland’, where travellers from elsewhere in the wasteland stop when they come to Trottingham. This is Snowbelle’s hometown. It is attacked by Cipher’s forces when Lightning’s team first arrived, after their mission for the Steel Rangers, and all of the inhabitants are either killed or captured.

The Trottingham city centre is the ruins of the large pre-war city, which was once one of the largest cities in Equestria, but was decimated by the megaspells. The city ruins are mostly uninhabited, save for several mutated creatures. There is however, a Necropolis, which is a ghoul settlement, in an out-of-the-way section of the ruined Trottingham city centre.

Paradise Hills is one of Red Eye’s forces bases in Trottingham.

The Fort is the main base for Red Eye’s forces in Trottingham. It is situated in the ruins of the city centre, on top of Stable 64, that researched IMP. One of Red Eye’s highest ranking generals from Stable 101 is the one in charge of the area. Like Red Eye, Cipher is a cyberpony, having cybernetics that completely replaces the left side of his face. These cybernetics allow him to remotely take control of nearby security systems, like laser turrets. Like Stable 101, this stable also has a chamber with huge vats of IMP, for testing the conversion process.

A currently unnamed town, which is home to Red Cross, a Mayuri-expy mad scientist, who is dangerously genre savvy.

Another currently unnamed town, which is where Dawn is from. Dawn’s father is the mayor of the town. This is the town where most of the second generation changelings in Trottingham live, while elsewhere, they’re more spread out. It’s also the main trading hub in the region, and along with Clinic, becomes the main settlement in Trottingham after Goodsprings is wiped out. It also later serves as a home base for the group. Dawn worked with the trading caravans from here, which are starting to get more difficult to operate lately. Dawn’s parents named her after the caravans, ‘The Bright Dawn Caravans’. This is the town that Lightning’s mother grew up in, and where her parents first met. There is also a slum area outside the main walls, home to dozens of zebras. They are forced to live outside the walls because of the pony’s discrimination.

The buffalo have a camp out in the Badlands, to the west of Trottingham, near the border.

The Trottingham S.P.P. Tower.

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