• Member Since 30th Mar, 2018
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If anyone said to you that you are a good man, they are lying. There is no one good, but you can do the rigth thing.

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  • 270 weeks
    We all change

    Have you ever thougth that you see yourself as a different man/woman when you recalled moments that happened to you?
    Like having moments that mentally you said "How an idiot I was as a kid" or "What would say my past self if he see me now?".

    I do have those, and also think my past "me", but not like 1 but more than 1.

    "Why?" You may ask,"Why you think like that?"

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  • 280 weeks
    To everypony that following me or/and going to...

    Hello everypony, I'm sure all of you had been following me or will soon is going to think (I am not a mentalist, but sure you know what do I mean...) "who the hell is Thunder Punch?" or "What got to the creation of Thunder Punch"

    Well, I finally decide to welcome me to all of you, but obviously i'm not going to tell you a fake description of Thunder Punch.

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We all change · 2:33pm May 23rd, 2019

Have you ever thougth that you see yourself as a different man/woman when you recalled moments that happened to you?
Like having moments that mentally you said "How an idiot I was as a kid" or "What would say my past self if he see me now?".

I do have those, and also think my past "me", but not like 1 but more than 1.

"Why?" You may ask,"Why you think like that?"

The Answer: Because every 7 years, my body changes, dies and regenerate. Not only me but all of us in this planet but to me I feel it more.
I'm telling this is because everyone changes, physically and mentally more than others, but those little changes represent us as a complex being that evolve from there mistakes, and that feels so good as long as you remind all the memories you earn and keep it in you.

I always remember this, to remind me that everyone dies and is sad, but something rebirth from the ashes and that...is good.

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