• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2014


More Blog Posts64

  • 606 weeks
    Re-write of bust

    I've decided to go with what's happened from S3, and then wing it from there. This is the 3rd, and final re-write I will do. If I don't like what comes from this one, it's getting trashed and I might try a new idea. Don't know.

    0 comments · 540 views
  • 613 weeks
    My level of luck

    I went to my uncle's house last night, and left my laptop charger there. So, I can't work on SE. I'm super sorry guys.

    0 comments · 296 views
  • 613 weeks
    Long break; I have a reason though

    So, long story short, my parents got divorced, my father got arrested, and he has decided that he shouldn't have to pay support for me. I'm not asking for pity, don't give it. I only said that so you can understand why I haven't been typing recently. I know I promised to try even harder to keep this story afloat and alive, but with what's happened, I can't truly focus. I finally got motivation to

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    0 comments · 302 views
  • 616 weeks
    Another Chapter

    It's done, but since I technically just edited a chapter, I don't think it will come up as a new chapter. So, here's the link to the newest chapter: Chapter 1

    0 comments · 287 views
  • 618 weeks
    It's done!

    So, I got the prologue done and uploaded it. I thought about going back over the action scene, but I decided I had to hold true to my promise of giving it to you today. So, here it is.
    New Prologue

    0 comments · 342 views

Another question... · 11:39pm Nov 6th, 2012

Do I stick with them being 'anthro' (having horns, ability to fly, use magic, etc. while being human), or would you like to see human/pony interaction in this one?

Report Tempname10732 · 283 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I would prefer human but I am alright with anthro if you decide to go that way.

any way i still win.

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