• Member Since 4th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2022


More Blog Posts3

  • 131 weeks

    For real, this is nothing really in particular, but, Comprehension seems to be lost in translation like we need it. We are a Long Way from 3rd or 4th Grade, when they'd say that over and over for literacy reasons, but, Miseducation is not healthy.

    Comprehension helps us enjoy things better and easier and i feel our patience has ran drier than a desert in the Summer.

    2 comments · 142 views
  • 280 weeks
    Happy Belated 1st FimFiction Anniversary

    What I'd really mean to say is my FimFiction Account Anniversary was Last Week and even though I discovered this site before that, and even though I am mainly a Blogger more than a Storyteller, but, I feel like with everything sailing truly lean and mean, we are not necessarily in a place for miracles.

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  • 290 weeks
    Closing 2018

    I feel real concern, even though I am based in the Middle of America and 2019 is not even a half day away. I don't usually blog on this site, and I think with My Little Pony being 40 in 2023 has to cross Hasbro's Mind more than 6 Times a Day, if not properly doing a proper Arena Football League, again.

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Closing 2018 · 7:54pm Dec 31st, 2018

I feel real concern, even though I am based in the Middle of America and 2019 is not even a half day away. I don't usually blog on this site, and I think with My Little Pony being 40 in 2023 has to cross Hasbro's Mind more than 6 Times a Day, if not properly doing a proper Arena Football League, again.

I feel it should be time to restart the Saturday Morning Cartoon Well again. I have nothing against that, or every morning or afternoon, but, even though its not the forum, but Child Development needs frontchanneled. And, I feel besides Women's Justice offline, which is obvious, but, overexposing us to the same bad thing like being jilted over and over and over and over and again and again and again and again and OH YEAH, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! (Having to be of the Supersonic Force of Fluttershy to roil Venus):flutterrage:

And, GoFundMe's are just as parcel, if not as more parcel to this community and subcommunities My Little Pony occupies, but, if anyone tried to copy Mr. Ender, they'd have to line a Series Premiere anywhere versus unreal expectations. And, what I feel is relationships have to be developed vs. letting anyone run wild and free, which affects the length of the series and how its remembered.

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