• Member Since 1st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


New Lunar Republican stuck in the heart of the Solar Empire.

More Blog Posts2

  • 291 weeks
    Happy Christmas!

    (and/or any and all solstice celebrations you may partake on! :pinkiehappy:. Although let's face it, most of us will be celebrating winter solstice regardless of the actual season :duck:). As I was raised catholic, have my favorite nativity scene and some relevant music:

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    2 comments · 335 views
  • 293 weeks
    I carry in my ears that most wonderful of musics

    Not the day I was expecting it to happen

    Not the stadium I was expecting it to be

    Not the country I was expecting the match to be played

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    0 comments · 238 views

I carry in my ears that most wonderful of musics · 4:25am Dec 10th, 2018

Not the day I was expecting it to happen

Not the stadium I was expecting it to be

Not the country I was expecting the match to be played

Not even the (sub)continent one would've expected

Technically not the final result since there's an ongoing appeal on the CAS due to what happened on the 24th*

(And, to be honest, not the music I'm referring to :twilightsheepish:)

But I'll take it! :pinkiehappy:

(Yes, I'm well aware that 'I carry in my ears the most wonderful music' is a far more accurate translation, thankyouverymuch :duck:)

*: which I frankly wouldn't mind if Boca won as no Argentinian would ever take them seriously ever again :pinkiecrazy:

PS: This is the real tournament winner, not gonna lie :ajsmug:

Report DoContra · 238 views · #MMLPQTP #ScootalooFC
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