• Member Since 31st Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2019


Not dead yet. I have but one last act left.

More Blog Posts160

  • 297 weeks
    Where I've Been

    So...it's been a while. Now for a long blog on what's been going on and what I'll be doing from here on.

    How I’m doing

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    1 comments · 343 views
  • 318 weeks
    No Progress

    I haven't written anything in a year now. My computer is still in storage. My Kindle, where some ideas and story beginnings were written is not working. And I don't have a lot of time before or after work. And, there is still more military training I habe to schedule for later this year and things to deal with in order to do that. Not to mention my creative spark is there but my motivation to

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    2 comments · 277 views
  • 331 weeks
    Finally Back

    I'll call myself back after quite some time now. The overall training went longer than expected but it's finally over. I've been dealing with several issues since getting back and finally sorted things out enough to get back to the site. I won't stick around long unfortunately and my activity from here on will be severely limited. I probably won't be able to get back to the regular blog post

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    4 comments · 376 views
  • 379 weeks
    My Finale. But I Shall Return

    The fitting music.

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    0 comments · 357 views
  • 380 weeks
    Almost Time To Go

    Been listening to the soundtrack to the new game Nier: Automata

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    0 comments · 273 views

Where I've Been · 8:23pm Nov 13th, 2018

So...it's been a while. Now for a long blog on what's been going on and what I'll be doing from here on.

How I’m doing

Things have been rather stressful for one reason or another over the past year or so. Since getting home from my military training, I’ve been stressing over different things from minor to major. I would prefer not to go into detail but it did send me into a small downward spiral. I have spent a lot of free time doing little to nothing outside of playing video games and watching anime. Honestly, I’ve done very little that is productive. At work, I have felt like I was just going through the motions. It’s caused my to experience small, but troubling, bouts of depression.

I am doing better now but still in a struggle to keep moving on. Things are starting to look up with some things changing that are needed for my professional development. I’ve been talking with friends to try to pull me out of my personal and spiritual slump. All in all, I wasn’t doing so well but I am now.

Fanfic Info

I have had extreme trouble getting back into writing and have given a lot of thought to my fanfic writing. First off, I will no longer write any more fan fictions on this site outside of one. I may write one or two elsewhere but I won’t be writing anymore MLP stories. Again, apart from one.

The one story I will write is the Star Wars crossover story I have been working on. I have continued to think on it and brainstorm ideas to write it and improve it and I’m still excited to share it. I am aiming for a very high quality story that could be the length of three novels. At least, that is the hope.

Site and fandom activity

One of the reasons for ending my MLP stories is my desire to move on to new things. I have grandiose ideas of working on original work like my own graphic novel or animation. As a writer or director. But, that is currently a thought for now. I honestly have no idea how to go about doing that yet and with absolutely no knowledge of it (i.e. education or experience). Regardless.

I’m also way behind on the MLP series and haven't seen the latest movie. Plus, I saw that Bronycon, the largest MLP convention, will only last one more year. So my overall interest and the state of the fandom are starting to dwindle. I won’t stop liking the show (or loving Best Princess Luna) but it seems to be time to work on other things.

There is also the career path that I’m working on. Should I pursue it far enough, I’ll have far less time to devote to creating fandom content. It would be best to focus on that rather than fan fiction.


I'm sorry to anyone who has read my stories and enjoyed them and wishes to see more. Especially if you enjoyed something that is now deleted. But I will only write one more story for the site. A grand finale and my MLP magnum opus. I’ll finish watching the series in my leisure and try to attend Bronycon for their finale with my own As some cosplay to wrap it up. I’m going to no longer interact on the site save for uploading the last story when I get to it and occasionally get on to respond to comments.

Thank you everyone for the fun times. I hope to see you elsewhere.

Report TheTrueDragoon · 343 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I hope everything has gone well fo you, I know it must feel weird having someone reply to this blog post 3 years later, heck you probably won’t even see this. If you do however, again I hope everything has been well for you.

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