• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen January 31st


Sometimes it’s nice to take a break. Or leave it all behind.

More Blog Posts206

  • 212 weeks
    Um, hey...

    It’s been a while.

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  • 304 weeks
    Illusionverse Blog

    I've polished up Fuchsia and Lavender are (Not) Dead. Aside from grammatical corrections and spelling errors, some dialogue has been altered or expanded to allude to upcoming prequel installments, as well as to properly reflect Equestria Girls canon. To clarify canon, I mean printed material will either be referenced in broad strokes (Anon-A-Miss incident) or re-imagined/adapted with the

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  • 305 weeks
    Florence is out, I'm back in!

    Back to your regularly scheduled... whatever it is I'm doing :derpytongue2:

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  • 306 weeks
    So a hurricane plows into bar...

    Or at least she's predicted to do so over the next few days. Knowing how hurricanes have passed through the Carolinas in recent years, we're expecting Florence to weaken significantly once she makes landfall, and all we'll get is just several days of rain and some wind. However confidence does not negate preparedness -- contingencies are in place in the event Florence does pack a bigger punch

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  • 312 weeks
    Moment of Reflection

    "I've heard one side called fascist and cruel, the other called fairy tales for snowflakes. Neither is true. The middle ground has gone missing."

    --Francis Reagan, Blue Bloods

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So a hurricane plows into bar... · 12:07am Sep 13th, 2018

Or at least she's predicted to do so over the next few days. Knowing how hurricanes have passed through the Carolinas in recent years, we're expecting Florence to weaken significantly once she makes landfall, and all we'll get is just several days of rain and some wind. However confidence does not negate preparedness -- contingencies are in place in the event Florence does pack a bigger punch than Gert and Bernie.

With that said, I may be out of contact with everyone for a while, but rest assured once things get back to normal, I'll let you all know. And if worst comes to worst, my dying wish is tell Vincent I advocated Flash for the 200th episode :p

In the meantime, work on Lavender and Fuchsia stories progresses slowly.


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