• Member Since 28th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 22nd, 2024


Hello there, the name's AusFlick. I'm an Australian Brony who has a passion for filmmaking.

More Blog Posts15

  • 339 weeks
    Huge shout out to Night wolf-pony for his amazing drawing of my OC

    So, a little while ago, Night wolf-pony/Dashkin The Vectorist did a limited offer to do a few free drawings of people's OCs to practise his art style. I was one of the lucky few he accepted, and the result is absolutely stunning! I love it!

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  • 346 weeks
    I Just Saw The Incredibles 2. It Was Awesome!

    Okay, so this isn't really a pony related blog, but just earlier today, I went to the cinemas to see The Incredibles 2. Let me just say that I'm one of those people who did see the first one in theatres. I still distinctly remember seeing the first one in the cinemas back in 2004 when I was about three years old. It was the very first movie I ever saw in cinemas, it was one of my very first PG

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  • 354 weeks
    First chapter of The Second Dimension is officially up

    I have just published the first chapter of my new Fimfiction The Second Dimension. I'm pretty proud of it so far.

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  • 357 weeks
    Upcoming Q&A! Leave your questions below

    So, yesterday on my Corey's Reviews: channel, I received 400 Subscribers. :pinkiehappy: :yay: In order to celebrate, I decided to engage with my audience by hosting a Q&A (Questions & Answers). If you have a question about me, be sure to provide them in the comments of either this blog, or in the comments of the video I'm providing in the link below.

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  • 365 weeks
    Video's Up!

    I just posted my lasted video onto my YouTube channel. My Spoiler filled review for My Little Pony: The Movie. Be sure to check the review out for my full detailed thoughts on the movie.

    AusFlick: My Little Pony: The Movie [Movie Review]

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I Just Saw The Incredibles 2. It Was Awesome! · 2:31pm Jun 15th, 2018

Okay, so this isn't really a pony related blog, but just earlier today, I went to the cinemas to see The Incredibles 2. Let me just say that I'm one of those people who did see the first one in theatres. I still distinctly remember seeing the first one in the cinemas back in 2004 when I was about three years old. It was the very first movie I ever saw in cinemas, it was one of my very first PG rated movies, and while I loved it as a kid, it's a movie I continued to gain a deeper appreciation for it as I got older. As of now, it's in my top 3 favourite Pixar films, the other two of which being Toy Story, and Inside Out.

Now, after fourteen years of waiting, we finally got a sequel, and damn it was worth the wait. The Incredibles 2 in my opinion was a very worthy sequel that did just about everything right. The film explored loose ends from the first one like how the parents reacted to Jack Jack's powers, and events from the first film have direct consequences in the main conflict in this film. The film was frequently funny, the animation was stella, the action was on par with some of the stuff I've seen in MARVEL films, and it was overall just a blast to watch. However, the best praise I can give it is the fact I mostly loved it for the same reasons I loved the first film. The film maintains the family dynamic. In the film, Pixar put the family first, and the superhero stuff second. The film heavily focuses on things like Bob trying to help Dash with his maths homework, or helping Violet trying to connect with her boyfriend. As a teenager myself, I especially related to Violet. Seeing the operate realistically as a family while being in these crazy superhero situations, is the main reason why these films stand out from all of the other MARVEL and DC superhero films out there these days in my eyes.

I definitely think Incredibles 2 lived up to expectations and if you saw Incredibles in theatres as a kid, and you've waited 14 years for a sequel, I doubt you'll be disappointed. I definitely recommend it because I had a blast with it today.

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