• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2023


My heart will sing no other name! Jesus! Jesus!

More Blog Posts90

  • 345 weeks

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  • 461 weeks

    I suppose this is as good a time as any.

    For any who actually care, back in April (I believe it was April at least...) I said I was leaving eventually for various reasons.

    That time is now. This is my official statement. I denounce being a Brony.

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    4 comments · 743 views
  • 475 weeks
    Started an Abridged Series!

    So I started an Abrigded Series!

    Check it out!

    0 comments · 362 views
  • 482 weeks
    Tanks for the Memories thoughts.

    (Warning: Rant Ahead)

    I generally don't do this. I simply just don't usually find the need to post my thoughts on any given episode, as they're generally most likely mirrored (sometimes even word for word) elsewhere.

    But I hated this episode. It's probably the one I hate most of all, beyond even that of the Trenderhoof episode (which, to this day, I have not nor will ever finish).

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    10 comments · 506 views
  • 483 weeks


    8 comments · 478 views

#FopperyAndWhim · 8:50pm Dec 11th, 2017

Report AkemiTheSunbro · 325 views ·
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