• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th


College-going Brony in CA. New to writing fanfics.

More Blog Posts24

  • 473 weeks
    Second Thoughts Question and Discussion page

    Just reply with them and I'll answer!

    0 comments · 341 views
  • 473 weeks
    New Story (Finally)

    Hey All.

    I finally posted a story I've had on the shelf for a long time. A long, long , long time. 3 whole years. It's based on the season 2 finale.

    It's a fair bit weirder than Ditz and Spitz, but I hope you can enjoy it. It's called Second Thoughts.

    Still alive,

    0 comments · 335 views
  • 569 weeks
    Ditz and Spitz: Questions? (SPOILER WARNING)

    Hey all,

    So, out of pure curiosity on my part and to avoid a whole mess of spoilers on the main story page, I figure'd I'd make this here blog post and ask y'all for any outstanding questions related to anything in the story, to be asked and answered through comments.


    11 comments · 524 views
  • 573 weeks
    Epilogue Posted

    Hey all,

    What else can I say? The epilogue's been posted, and D&S is complete.

    May followup on outstanding questions people have after a couple days, give everyone a change to read it.


    1 comments · 349 views
  • 574 weeks

    Performing final look over Ditz and Spitz Epilogue: Peace of Mind, then it gets reviewed. If Pav still remembers me, and doesn't mind another of his excellent reviews and barring the need for major changes, I'd estimate 6-12 days, maybe sooner.

    Read More

    2 comments · 353 views

Plans & Non-Update News · 2:18pm Oct 16th, 2012

Hey all,

So, it's been a bit since I posted up Part Six, so it's about time I said some things and laid out the plans.

First and foremost, there have been plenty of comments and things sent to me, the majority of which can be eventually boiled down to:

-What happens next?
-When will certain things happen?

As to what happens next, I, obviously, will not tell you here. Only three, maybe four people, including myself, have seen the complete, for-sure outline of that plot which remains. I am not the kind of author to give spoilers or release information ahead of time.

As to when will certain things happen, this question is perhaps a bit more logical. I do realize the amount anxiety built by these flashback chapters, and I understand the readers' desire to "Hurry up and f**k her eyes up already!" (Quote). Similar desires regarding other events/characters (e.g Dinky) are also prevalent. While this question is hard to answer without providing spoilers, I will simply say that D&S will be ten parts long and let you draw your own conclusions.

Regarding time: I understand the long wait between parts five and six caused no small amount of apprehension. I have no desire to have that happen again.

But. There's always a but.

Right now, the weight of my focus is leaning rather heavily toward my other story, Second Thoughts. I swear, guys, this thing... aaaahhhhh! I want to write it, and finish it, so bad, and I'm so close! The thing's only around 10,000 words, but the style and concept are so different, and the darn thing's harder for me to write than the whole of D&S!

Seriously, I've restarted the thing three times in all, and I'm finally writing the final part of the final attempt. I love the story to death, but I swear; if it wasn't on my computer, I'd likely have torn it up and burned it many a time by now. It isn't quite as clicked together as I'd like, and will likely need a long look-over by my trusted editor before I even think of posting it.

I have received many fewer comments and messages regarding Second Thoughts, but most of the ones I do get seem to be: Will you try to get up Second Thoughts on EQD? The answer is: yes, I sure hope to, but due to the plot, it really has to go up before Season Three launches.

Hence, I have an agenda. These haven't worked out so well for me in the past, but hopefully this time will be different. Before Season 3 launches, I intend to release Second Thoughts in its entirety and Part Seven of D&S.

Just as a note: Part Seven looks to be a bit shorter than some of the other Parts (unlike the current record-holding whopper of Part Six at 5,423 words.) So don't think it's rushed out or cut off or anything because it isn't as lengthy. As previously stated, the remaining Parts have been carefully outlined and separated.

So, that's the gist of it. Keep an eye open.


P.S: I don't want to give the impression that I'm exasperated by comments or messages. Comments and messages always welcome and encouraged (unless it's hate mail or etc.) It helps keep me at the grindstone. I read them all, even if I don't respond to all of them.

Report Poinger · 328 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

okey doke, thatnks for the info.

Sounds good to me. Good luck!

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