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  • 350 weeks


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  • 351 weeks
    So... about my story idea...

    Hey all been a while.

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  • 355 weeks
    I need your OCs, also part 6

    So I mentioned in the comments of part one that I made a concept combining every story so far into one thing, well this is it. I wanted to do an original Holy Grail War, so the one I'm making will have my OCs as the summoned servants, and I would love to have people give me their original characters to serve as the masters in this story. I already have the master of Saber planned out, but there

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  • 355 weeks
    It is way to soon after part 1 of my serious posts but here is parts 2-5

    So I ended up writing parts 2-5 in one go with the plan to release them as multiple parts, but then decided to just release them all at once with a line like the one below to separate each of them. I know it is a little soon after part 1 too but w/e. Tldr doesn't bother me as much now that I'm thinking about it. I do have a 6th part I'll release later for other reasons but for now here are my

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  • 356 weeks
    An actual serious blog post rambling about stories and characters I'll never actually write about... part 1 I guess

    So I was bored the other day, but instead of making nihilistic ramblings about how this world isn't worth living on, I got a little introspective. I ended up lingering on one point in my life where I thought I had the rest of it figured out and what I wanted to to with it: once upon a time I wanted to write my own original stories and have them published and get successful. I thought up all these

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It is way to soon after part 1 of my serious posts but here is parts 2-5 · 6:45pm Jul 14th, 2017

So I ended up writing parts 2-5 in one go with the plan to release them as multiple parts, but then decided to just release them all at once with a line like the one below to separate each of them. I know it is a little soon after part 1 too but w/e. Tldr doesn't bother me as much now that I'm thinking about it. I do have a 6th part I'll release later for other reasons but for now here are my main ideas throughout my teenage years.

So as a means to segue to the next premise, despite ending and starting a new blog making that unnecessary, I feel I need to mention that I took notes for ideas, which didn't get me to write but does let me go back and laugh at my past self. Early notes were mostly stick figure drawings of my characters and a few points about who they were. My "Royal Trilogy" notes actually had a planned side story "movie" called "Lava vs. Lake", which is where Roy, probably at some point between Crystals and Darkness, would get involved in a war fought between soldiers made of lava and water on each side, the home bases being a volcano and a lake. This didn't go anywhere but the idea of elemental beings going to war served as my "inspiration" for the setting of the next story called "The Survyor Saga". Outside of my earliest notes and the few chapters I put up on my old Fictionpress (I took it down last year out of embarrassment to have written such an awful few chapters) I have nothing to go back to and remember this story by. What I gather from memory is that a guy named Leo, who in my notes I emphasized as having a red jacket, grey hair with darker grey spots, and a sword with two tips that magically transformed from a medallion he wears, had abilities based on the fifth element of "spirit" in a world where people have one based on the four main elements. I have no idea what Survyor meant if it meant anything at all. The notes showed a stick figure holding Leo's sword fighting another stick guy named Ryuji who used a pair of daggers but held them backwards, and in may story's first chapter I actually introduce Ryuji as an assassin who volunteers to kill Leo on his own in front of the group he is part of so it lines up. I also had a wind spirit girl named Amera who would act as Leo's sidekick. In the things Leo dislikes list, among things like evil and other generic things heroes hate, I had the word Denom listed. I can only assume based on the fact that it is literally the word "Demon" with two letters switched that he was the main villain, I don't hold it past my past self to come up with that.

Thinking about it, it's a bit ironic that the story I actually made the effort to put online was the one I have the least info to look back on for and remember the fewest details of. I probably put it up there thinking I would make up the plot as I went along but clearly that worked out well.

Ultimately I spent my entire middle school years not writing my edgy anime inspired story, so there is a bit of a gap between when I made the survyor saga and my next idea. In that time, however, I became obsessed with anime as a medium and by the time I was a freshman in high school I was a full blown weeb. Most of my concepts I came up with were dropped within a day, but the few that lasted became ideas that would bounce from the back of my mind all the way to the front again on occasion. The least original one I came up with was a fantasy setting ripped straight from the anime "no game no life" except all forms of combat weren't replaced by games in my setting. I ended up focused more on this world's pantheon. The idea of gods born from concepts that made humans and then took their form would stick with me in a story I started to make the first details of recently which I'll bring up later... In fact I think I'll cut off this part here, make the next one my major High School fanfic concepts I fleshed out, and then talk about that story.
Continued in part 3

This post is going to talk about the main four stories I juggles throughout high school. The first one is based on my favorite franchise in anime the Fate series.
I liked the idea of mages bringing ancient heroes to life to fight to the death for the legendary Holy Grail (well not really but they call the object the grail) is something anyone would love to follow. So I made up servants based on heroes not yet used in the fate series (at least not until Grand Order) and had them all go to war in my home state of Arizona. The main character is a guy named Jake who is basically an older Jacio but without the dragons and treasure. One day while digging in the middle of the desert (because I don't know that's just what Jacio would do) he finds the bullet that killed Geronimo (even though Geronimo died in Mexico but w/e) and ends up summoning the Native American hero as archer. It featured El Cid as Saber, Aeneas as Lancer, queen Medb as rider, Ezio Auditore de Firenza from Assassin's Creed as assassin (a crossover fueled by me not thinking up a good historical assassin) and I honestly forget who caster and berserker were gonna be (though Merlin and Kintaro respectively sound kind of cool.) It was a story fueled by awesome with no substance and collapsed shortly after I'd revive the idea. Still to this day I would love to create an original Holy Grail War...

My next big planned tale was a collaboration with a guy I sat next to in my economics class. It was a Pokemon-Percy Jackson (kind of) crossover about a set of OCs who were demigod children of legendary Pokemon. The main character was a guy named Lugh and he was a child if Lugia. (Get it because Lu[gia]). My personal favorite character was a girl named Gabriella who was a daughter of Zygarde, and just like her father she wanted to be a protector of the Earth. We came up with the world and I actually really like the rules we set up for the kids and their powers, but we never made a plot within the world to test the characters.

The third story is an edgy superhero story about a guy and his two friends who get superpowers. The main guy decides to be a ghost themed superhero since his powers are intangibility related. His friends become villains, one a guy who can freeze people with eye contact as a sort of modern day Medusa, and the other a nice guy who gets fire powers that correlate to his... explosive anger issues. It was a one off thing that only came back to life as I rode the hype train for the two biggest recent anime "One Punch Man" and "My Hero Academia".

Speaking of anime, have I mentioned I love Jojo? Because I LOVE Jojo. I can't even describe what I love about the show as clearly as other stories I love. It might be the creativeness of the stands, the tense drama, or the over the top nature from the violence to the... posing, but Jojo is great. So great that at several points I attempted to make my own fanmade part 9 about a group of nerds who get stands and fight against a gang of stand users. The main character, Joel Johansson, took a page from my superhero story and has a stand called Mystery Skulls, which can make anything, even Joel, intangible. Of course it gets used in a brutal over the top way by our goofy hero with little precision or control off his new-found abilities that are strong enough that he can fight against a gang with only a few other stand users to help him... I like Joel's personality most of all though. So much that I decided to recycle it for probably my favorite OC ever... who I guess I'll cover in the next part since this is long enough (also gonna talk about my buddy Blueeyeswhitedragon0's story and my attempts at contribution to it since that relates a lot to this character). Continued in part 4


My best friend IRL is Blueeyeswhitedragon0, though we're both in college and have had a tough time trying to hang out, that fact remains. It's why I can be critical of his stories without him thinking I crossed a line (also because he has thick enough skin to see that I am always constructive in nature). One day, when he was telling me about how he planned to make a story where Burst Stream, his protagonist, learned he was a fictional character and hilarity ensued. I asked him about the darker implications of it, that if he found out he was just a fictional character in a piece of entertainment how would he act? His answer: "Well, I'd want to know if I put on a good show." I loved it when he put that line in later on, but what really brought about the rise of Aneris Ouroboros alongside this conversation was the fact that Burst Stream's adventures were about to be rebooted at the time. It was my suggestion that he make a sort of conclusion to this Burst's story, even if it ends up a little bit sad, so YGO EQG 9 was made. I suggested a card to him that was capable of destroying the world from being summoned and later came up with a guy crazy enough to use it (Aneris), but he had the idea of Abyss ready for the story so he used her (after the reboot, she became a lot more interesting as a character, but she was a bit of a generic villain in her first appearance). I was a little dissapointed with that conclusion and decided I would do it with my villain myself. I made the first four chapters of my story, and it got rejected (though the doc is online for those with the links, it has my notes and those four chapters). I really liked Aneris though, so he stuck around. The name actually has a meaning to it, Aneris is known for being the antagonist of Discordianism, which is based on the Greek goddess of chaos Eris. So the chaotic force became the character's first name to show his wild nature as a force of discord the author drops into the story. An Ouroboros meanwhile, is an Egyptian Serpent that is shown biting its own tail, a reference for the a cycle, the end leads to the beginning. Just like how Aneris' first purpose was to bring the end of Burst's world to restart it. The character was never created to be that dark, but I took his wild nature to extreme levels by the end, the version that duel's Steel Edge in the final story for Friendship is Dueling is actually a softened up version because over time he became something that could not properly fit into Burst Stream's world without removing the edge I put on him. Aneris is the kind of character I would end up putting in every story I wrote as a minor recurring character, but never a lead or supporting role (if he were a major character he would have to be a villain, he's to unrelateable to be the protagonist and too chaotic to serve as a helper to the good guys).

One more thing I forgot to mention too is Aneris' appearance. At the time I made him me and a group I'm in were obsessed with "traps" and such, so it made sense in my head that this guy would try to look like a cute girl to fool other characters, it just made sense to me. The joke about his "original creator's outfit for him" in his duel with Steel Edge was a shot at me making him wear drag that almost nobody would have probably gotten, but I did so it's fine by me.
Wow, I was planning on next bringing up my most recent story idea but I ended up going on about one character I made too much... so continued in part 5.

Here it is, my most creative concept that I'm at war with myself to make... another fantasy story. Earlier I mentioned a pantheon with original gods for an uninspired world, well those gods ended up being reused for a fantasy story with a working title. It stars a band of four characters based on typical RPG Fighter, Mage, Thief, and Cleric archetypes on a quest to kill an evil overlord son of the Goddess of light, Iria. His name was Apophis and he eats dragons. It had a pair of swords based on those of El Cid (Tizona and Collada) which were made specifically to slay him.
The story goes that one day, a travelling priestess named Samara "Sam" for short, finds an amnesiac hero with the sword Collada. He would call himself Venus after the Morningstar (a reference to Lucifer, one of God's finest angels). The two would meet up with Soren, a travelling mage who wants to master elemental magic of all kinds, and Lumin, a thief girl who is trying to save her brother who was brainwashed into becoming one of Apophis's finest generals. After rescuing her brother (his name is Michael), it is revealed that Venus is Apophis after wiping his memories to gain the sword's trust. (Shocker... the guy named after the devil is the main villain). The group would then get a hold of the other sword Tizona and Sam would use it to defeat Apophis, and then channel the goddess Iria to seal his soul with her own so that he can't be reincarnated again, but it is fine because the part of him that was Venus and didn't want to hurt his friends would spend eternity with Sam and Soren/Lumin would get a happy ending somehow too. I really want make this a thing, I almost did another similar but darker story but in the end I feel this need to bring these guys to life in some way other than a Venus Morningstar vs Burst Stream Death Battle that I'll link to if someone asks me.

And that is it, that is every concept I ever came up with that has OCs in some way (I did make a few fanfics without, but they didn't last and don't matter much to this blog series) so why am I promising a part six, well you'll find out...
Continued in part 6

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