30 Minutes Writing Challenge · 11:05am Oct 29th, 2016
It seems like my writing's terrible, so I'm going to be trying to improve it a little. Looking back, the project seems too big for me, as my past writing skill wasn't good. But again, the current me isn't much better. So, I'll be trying to improve a little by setting time limit. For this time, I'll attempt writing something in under 30 minutes (proofreading included, but probably won't have time to do it...)
Alright, so here I go. I hope I do well. And no backies, Dream! Best of luck to myself (because no one's going to read this...)
Edit: Sorry, I failed. Another 15 minutes please?
Edit2: I finally figure out how to upload. The link is here Here. Password: 30
Edit 3: Something something something. Changed the password, no more peeking!