• Member Since 20th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen November 23rd


The divine voice calls out, "Come forth and reveal your true self", and so the puppet walks into the light. Strings burn into ash, finally he saw the true form of him and divine, one and the same.

More Blog Posts21

  • 422 weeks
    30 Minutes Writing Challenge

    It seems like my writing's terrible, so I'm going to be trying to improve it a little. Looking back, the project seems too big for me, as my past writing skill wasn't good. But again, the current me isn't much better. So, I'll be trying to improve a little by setting time limit. For this time, I'll attempt writing something in under 30 minutes (proofreading included, but probably won't have time

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    0 comments · 517 views
  • 459 weeks
    More delays~~

    Yeah, you read the title right. I ran into a tad more problem than expected. Some of the old stuff really needs some serious rewrite. Like, batman level serious.

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    0 comments · 341 views
  • 462 weeks
    Project restart

    You see... The old me wasn't quite the smart cookie. For some reason, old me thought that java app and browser plugins are the future. Unfortunately, it turns out that old me was wrong and retarded (No offense.) So, google dropped the plugin API, now the game doesn't work.

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    6 comments · 410 views
  • 483 weeks
    Kinda Back

    Probably... I'll be more active in a few weeks' time.

    0 comments · 317 views
  • 491 weeks
    Hiatus, leaving the site for some time

    For the last few weeks, some may have notice me being less active. Some things have came up, and what I fear the worst have come true. Due to that, I won't be able to come online anymore.

    This is only temporarily. I will not be contactable by either here or my email. I'll try to come check here if possible, but I won't be checking my email until I can get a secure connection.

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30 Minutes Writing Challenge · 11:05am Oct 29th, 2016

It seems like my writing's terrible, so I'm going to be trying to improve it a little. Looking back, the project seems too big for me, as my past writing skill wasn't good. But again, the current me isn't much better. So, I'll be trying to improve a little by setting time limit. For this time, I'll attempt writing something in under 30 minutes (proofreading included, but probably won't have time to do it...)

Alright, so here I go. I hope I do well. And no backies, Dream! Best of luck to myself (because no one's going to read this...)

Edit: Sorry, I failed. Another 15 minutes please?

Edit2: I finally figure out how to upload. The link is here Here. Password: 30

Edit 3: Something something something. Changed the password, no more peeking!

Report ShardsOfDream · 517 views · #nsfw
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