• Member Since 30th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


More Blog Posts58

  • 249 weeks
    Ode to an Era

    Like many other creators you may be looking at or keeping your eyes on, Little ‘ole me, Mr. Lurks in Other Stories and then Never Posts Anything has a journey to describe to y’all. One that I think will be quite the treat, and one that I’m going to be looking back on for some time to pass.

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  • 359 weeks
    So Today I Found...

    For those that at all care, I was in the middle of writing for this site, as I've struggled to for a long while now. I've had this big, 10k+ word plot going, really throwing my heart at it...

    When all the fucking sudden, I find an anime called Gamers! that is basically an anthro version of t.


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    2 comments · 328 views
  • 393 weeks
    Anyone interested in Button Mash/ButtonBelle, listen!

    After 1000 years, they've added the Button Mash character tag! Rejoice, as we update hundreds, possibly thousands of fics using this knowledge.

    7 comments · 389 views
  • 405 weeks
    The Writing Problem

    Anyone that has followed me for even a month or two, know that while I WANT to upload new stuff, it's been years upon years since I've been able to. I have some stuff in the works, but I can't get it done.
    Now, I feel to hold in my reason any longer is a flat-out excuse. It's not because of life, not school, hell, I'm a middle-class, so no problem with da money. My big issue is...

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    0 comments · 358 views
  • 406 weeks
    That Moment When...

    I saw the season finale, episode 26. I thought that was the episode released Saturday, but that was episode 23.
    Fuck you, leakers! My friends, avoid leaks.

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The Writing Problem · 2:26am Oct 19th, 2016

Anyone that has followed me for even a month or two, know that while I WANT to upload new stuff, it's been years upon years since I've been able to. I have some stuff in the works, but I can't get it done.
Now, I feel to hold in my reason any longer is a flat-out excuse. It's not because of life, not school, hell, I'm a middle-class, so no problem with da money. My big issue is...
I have little time to use my computer.
I won't bother explaining why, but because you can't do simple writing tasks on a phone or tablet, such as indenting, it makes writing time only on my computer, and well, yeah. I don't get to use it that often (at all, pretty much).
So here's the plan: I change the format of my stories so things work differently, to a point where writing on my phone is tolerable. This would mean things like very small indents, et cetera et cetera. So, I plan on writing tonight if anyone is willing to give me feedback before midnight.

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