• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen November 25th

Doctor Tex

Greetings, Agent. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read. Read as much as you can in your time. You may end up learning a thing or two.

More Blog Posts37

  • 197 weeks
    5 years later (And some updates too)

    5 years later, the prologue of my FusionFall concept is complete.
    Precisely 5 of those years was me doing f#ck all.
    Nah, that's a lie, it's just been VERY BUSY! :ajsleepy:

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    0 comments · 223 views
  • 301 weeks
    I hate passwords...

    So, my phone just locked me out of it.

    I changed my password recently and forgot I changed it, as well as what I changed it to.
    Currently, my only option is to use my Apple ID to reset my iPhone, but I forgot my password to THAT as well.
    Now I have to wait 4 days just to get my phone fixed.

    I love my life, I swear...

    1 comments · 261 views
  • 374 weeks
    MLP Movie Thoughts (mostly spoiler free)

    So I just got back from watching the MLP movie, and I mean I literally just got back at the time of writing this sentence. I honestly thought the movie was alright. The characters were written as I expected, the story was adventurous (which I also gave FiM in general props to), and the art direction, while not what I'm used to, is fluent and you can tell what's happening on screen

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    0 comments · 370 views
  • 380 weeks
    I'm back!

    Sooo...I've been missing from Fimfiction for quite a long while...what's the deal with that?

    Well, mainly life just...getting in the way.

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    1 comments · 342 views
  • 413 weeks

    Greetings, agents. Doc here. I have recently learned about the phenomenon known as "Tulpas". Now, I have done a bit of research on them. A Tulpa is a sentient being that is created in your head that you can talk to and interact with. Like an imaginary friend. When I first heard about Tulpas, I immediately jumped to Bing Bong from Inside Out. Then, earlier today, I was talking with some buddies of

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    1 comments · 552 views

My first piece of art on Deviant Art... · 4:26pm Sep 26th, 2016

...and it isn't all that good. Just got started using Gmod and I'm still getting used to it. This is the result.

((O)) <--- Here is Internet Portal!

Report Doctor Tex · 238 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

4227994 Yep, and I also got some pony models to use. Rag doll physics are a bit of a pain to position, however.:ajsleepy:


Good to hear. Sorry to hear that.

4229113 I also made another one, this time using the pony models.

I'll open a portal to it, but I'll tell you, me and my friend can be such evil bastards at times.



Aw come now it can't be that...


4230437 Alright, one last pic. This one ain't as bad.


4231085 Exactly.

Although, we didn't take into account (or I didn't know) that the rocket was malfunctioning.


it looked like the graphics on it were glitched quite a bit

4232529 That's because I took the shot and I didn't have the textures for it.


Garry's mod is always so much fun ^_^

4236295 Oh, you have no idea. My friend showed me a pony creator on Gmod.

Needless to say, I went a bit nuts with the designs. I even made some gender bent models because I thought "Why Not?"


my computer always crashes with HL2.exe or Garry's mod

4241285 Yeesh, what kind of Computer do you have?

And if it's a Vista, then I know how you feel...


Well because my desktop got destroyed I have a Toshiba laptop

4242616 Ooooooooohhhhhhh :pinkiegasp: Now I see.

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