• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Doctor Tex

Greetings, Agent. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read. Read as much as you can in your time. You may end up learning a thing or two.

More Blog Posts37

  • 201 weeks
    5 years later (And some updates too)

    5 years later, the prologue of my FusionFall concept is complete.
    Precisely 5 of those years was me doing f#ck all.
    Nah, that's a lie, it's just been VERY BUSY! :ajsleepy:

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  • 305 weeks
    I hate passwords...

    So, my phone just locked me out of it.

    I changed my password recently and forgot I changed it, as well as what I changed it to.
    Currently, my only option is to use my Apple ID to reset my iPhone, but I forgot my password to THAT as well.
    Now I have to wait 4 days just to get my phone fixed.

    I love my life, I swear...

    1 comments · 263 views
  • 379 weeks
    MLP Movie Thoughts (mostly spoiler free)

    So I just got back from watching the MLP movie, and I mean I literally just got back at the time of writing this sentence. I honestly thought the movie was alright. The characters were written as I expected, the story was adventurous (which I also gave FiM in general props to), and the art direction, while not what I'm used to, is fluent and you can tell what's happening on screen

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  • 384 weeks
    I'm back!

    Sooo...I've been missing from Fimfiction for quite a long while...what's the deal with that?

    Well, mainly life just...getting in the way.

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  • 418 weeks

    Greetings, agents. Doc here. I have recently learned about the phenomenon known as "Tulpas". Now, I have done a bit of research on them. A Tulpa is a sentient being that is created in your head that you can talk to and interact with. Like an imaginary friend. When I first heard about Tulpas, I immediately jumped to Bing Bong from Inside Out. Then, earlier today, I was talking with some buddies of

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Interesting conversations. · 12:14pm Jul 23rd, 2016

Last night, I was browsing YouTube for some stuff to watch, when I noticed a video on my recommended list (those things pop up everywhere, it's a disease, I tell ya). It was a video from a user named Sunny Bright, who hadn't made a video in two years. I went to her latest video and commented, and to my surprise, she replied back! (not on the same channel, though) Considering she owned some characters I was planning in a story, I chatted with her for a bit and asked for permission. She said yes. And now I can continue my writing!

-Dr. Tex.

Oh, and if you cared, here is the comment conversation.

Tex: Ok, two years is too long, even for you. [Sunny Bright]

Sunny: She grew up and left her channel.

Tex: Well, a bit of word would have been nice...

Sunny: Yes and I'm sorry. I originally no idea what to do with this series [Royal Sisters] at all. In fact that was literally for all my other videos too! I had no story planned and I was 13. So I eventually fell out of mlp and left. Which I understand is a very dick move. I was thinking about making a video saying that I would be leaving but school got in the way. After school was over I forgot about the whole channel.

Sunny: Also, I apologize for the language.

Tex: I see, and I understand. But, can I at least ask you one last question? I was planning on a story to write with your character as the focus. An "Unofficial Sequel" to one of your series. May I use the characters for the story?

Sunny: Sunny Bright? Oh yeah. Honestly if you want you can just have her.

Tex: Although, I guess this means you were wrong. The death of Sunny Bright actually WAS you dying.

Sunny: Haha true. I should've made that episode and THEN left. Really freak people out.

Tex: Yep, most likely. I'm headed off now. Good luck, and thank you. -Dr. Tex.

P.S. No more reason for this. (clicks "Unsubscribe")

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