• Member Since 6th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2023


Just another guy passing the time creating stories and artwork. Im into headcanon and backstories of characters. and i cant wait to see what season 6 has in store for our favorite ponies. Live long :D

More Blog Posts66

  • 100 weeks
    Lyra is Best Pony

    Best Pony







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    0 comments · 189 views
  • 142 weeks
    Cadence The Witch Queen of Equestria

    Cadence felt something dark inside of her stir as Queen Chrysalis laughed while Shining Armor fell to the floor. Even Twilight was repulsed by what the Queen had done. She had stabbed Shining through the chest with her horn after he had served his purpose. What none of them realized was that Cadence was under going a transformation. One that would make her true Father proud.

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    0 comments · 183 views
  • 167 weeks
    Just got done making this in Gimp art Studio

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  • 194 weeks
    Drowned Brutalight SFM

    0 comments · 196 views
  • 289 weeks
    I have no regrets making this

    like the title says, i have no regrets making this SFM.

    0 comments · 296 views

Here be Dragons · 4:40am Apr 9th, 2016

Report NightmareTRXY32 · 273 views · #Dragons
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