• Member Since 29th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2024


Rainbow dash is the best... No explination needed. Hope you like my Fanfics, if not then feel free to give me tips on how to improve my story. I also love dogs.

More Blog Posts8

  • 460 weeks
    it's ready! YES!

    So the cover art is basically done. YES! :yay:

    I just asked for a few little tweaks concerning the background. I should be releasing the first chapter almost immediately afterwards. Although I might have to do some small touch ups on my story, first. :rainbowkiss:

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  • 461 weeks
    Editors, artists, and a promise! Oh my!

    So I've made a few hollow promises, saying the first chapter would be out soon and it isn't. Well, it is finished and ready but i sorta wanted to release it with some cover art and i'm not sure if I will get that. I might have to find a new artist or just use a picture from deviant art. I also finished the second chapter. It's not edited, so I need a new editor if anypony is intrested. My

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    0 comments · 456 views
  • 465 weeks
    Working on it. :)

    So, I've had a pretty relaxed weekend and i get Monday off. Hooray!

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  • 466 weeks
    New era

    A new era is apon us, new of knowledge and easy access. That's why i find it hard to believe that most of the industrialized world are still religious meat eaters. I guess old habits die hard. But it begs the question. Why is every pony so obsessed with holding to their traditions for dear life, when all scientific evidence points elsewhere?

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    0 comments · 520 views
  • 469 weeks
    Hello, it's me.

    So heya!

    I've been planing a new story, and this one is a fic on future and past equestria and it's destiny. :scootangel: I believe the editor is almost finished, like 99.99% or 100% not completely sure. :pinkiegasp: but anyways excited to release it, hope you like it. I've put all i could into it and hope you like it. if not i'm open to improvements.:rainbowkiss:


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Editors, artists, and a promise! Oh my! · 9:19pm Mar 20th, 2016

So I've made a few hollow promises, saying the first chapter would be out soon and it isn't. Well, it is finished and ready but i sorta wanted to release it with some cover art and i'm not sure if I will get that. I might have to find a new artist or just use a picture from deviant art. I also finished the second chapter. It's not edited, so I need a new editor if anypony is intrested. My previous editor has a new job and new duties, that I wish him luck with:pinkiehappy:.

Can't wait to release the first chapter. XD whenever that happens. Anyways, to whoevers listening below i have the outlines for my story if you are intrested in editing it. :heart:

Happy lazy ass sunday.:trollestia:

So here is the first chapter of my story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IKJM0_2-fa3SMB5FR9Csa33ikyA_tKhIIAjAhY-fGe4/edit?usp=sharing

It's not what I want to be edited but it gives context to the story.

This is the second chapter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rFuTxJ-5YnCn5zu9Uu7if1IWxlezSRVPetgBywb7uio/edit?usp=sharing

I'm looking for an editor to edit this chapters and future chapters to come.

It's an adventure with a hint of comedy, romance and some darker themes (maybe). I also plan on having a clop, but i'm not sure if it should be separate from the story, with separate editors.

A Brief Summary:
Anyways, it's called Children Of Woe, and it’s centered around Celestia ( main character ), Luna, Discord, Sombra and Chrysalis. It takes place in the late future as Twilight and the rest of the elements of harmony begin to die off.

Celestia and the others are forced to come together to defeat a common threat to equestria and the universe. The story has a lot of flashbacks to showcase how they came to be and why they have the powers they do. along with an underlying plot about their close bond and their inevitable destiny together. Which I can go into more detail about if need be.

What I Need Help With:
I need an editor who can help me with story flow and pacing. I would love to bounce around some ideas, as well as have some help with grammar. although it's not a top priority, i can do some touch ups on grammar before i post it if spelling isn't your thing.

I don't plan on posting the chapter in till i get the cover art, hope that's not an issue.:twilightsmile:

If you are interested comment (Obvi XD) or PM me :pinkiehappy:.

Hugs and kisses,

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