• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016
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Doctor Tex

Greetings, Agent. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read. Read as much as you can in your time. You may end up learning a thing or two.

More Blog Posts37

  • 203 weeks
    5 years later (And some updates too)

    5 years later, the prologue of my FusionFall concept is complete.
    Precisely 5 of those years was me doing f#ck all.
    Nah, that's a lie, it's just been VERY BUSY! :ajsleepy:

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  • 307 weeks
    I hate passwords...

    So, my phone just locked me out of it.

    I changed my password recently and forgot I changed it, as well as what I changed it to.
    Currently, my only option is to use my Apple ID to reset my iPhone, but I forgot my password to THAT as well.
    Now I have to wait 4 days just to get my phone fixed.

    I love my life, I swear...

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  • 380 weeks
    MLP Movie Thoughts (mostly spoiler free)

    So I just got back from watching the MLP movie, and I mean I literally just got back at the time of writing this sentence. I honestly thought the movie was alright. The characters were written as I expected, the story was adventurous (which I also gave FiM in general props to), and the art direction, while not what I'm used to, is fluent and you can tell what's happening on screen

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  • 386 weeks
    I'm back!

    Sooo...I've been missing from Fimfiction for quite a long while...what's the deal with that?

    Well, mainly life just...getting in the way.

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  • 419 weeks

    Greetings, agents. Doc here. I have recently learned about the phenomenon known as "Tulpas". Now, I have done a bit of research on them. A Tulpa is a sentient being that is created in your head that you can talk to and interact with. Like an imaginary friend. When I first heard about Tulpas, I immediately jumped to Bing Bong from Inside Out. Then, earlier today, I was talking with some buddies of

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Plans for the future. · 11:32pm Mar 10th, 2016

Hey guys, Doc here. I was asked by one of my friends to write a story about his brand new A.I. systems. And as such, considering that he is right here next to me as I am typing this, here is an exposition dump. I might not be able to write the story for a bit, so this will suffice.

This is a basic synopsis. Three A.I. cores were invented by DTI (Drew Tech Industries, the brother company of TexTek) as an advanced way of controlling the system without endangering lives. They must be sent on their test run to see what they're capable of. The leader sent them out to a planet where they could be tested on their own. It just so happens that this planet is named Equis. For this, they were sent in three types of a battleship class ship. As they were sent to the surface, one watchful eye saw one of them crashing down. What thought to be a simple one-month long test run, turned into an all out war between the A.I.s and the ponies. For this war would last a month, for the duration of the test run, leaving many hurt, or dead. And when DTI returns to check the A.I., they realized that they had messed up entirely to send the three alone.

So, that's the end of the synopsis. I hope to write this story soon after I am done with DTATCS (or when it gets uploaded). Many thanks to my friend Andrew for this idea. So long. TEX, OUT!

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