Hey, Guys... · 3:24am Nov 30th, 2015
Once again, I've seen someone who has the potential to be happy be utterly depressive.
Not that I'm surprised. It's honestly what I've come to expect of the world.
That's why, in reality, I'm cold, aloof, and cynical...
Because I can't be bothered to care, since what I do ultimately won't matter in the end.
Like Sans.
Sure, I'll show care about those I know, and listen to them, but that's because I actually recognize that they do care.
Again, like Sans.
I'd like to say, "Prove me wrong."
But, as the Purple Guy likes to say: "You can't."
I'm almost exactly like sans....
Are you talking about lightning?
I might be.
It could honestly apply to a lot of people that I've seen on this site.