• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2022


I love apples and spices, also beef jerky, gotta love beef jerky dude.

More Blog Posts4

  • 522 weeks
    Nothing Grand

    Hello brony world and those that find this in a Google search somehow, summer time with a break from college and I've done nothing productive all summer other than lose weight and be generally unhealthy, :woohoo:.

    This is just a post that has no real purpose other than to satisfy my boredom.

    Well thank you for reading and have a nice day.

    0 comments · 282 views
  • 553 weeks
    Hola everyone

    It's almost 2014 and a lot has happened, dunno who would be reading this but I wanted to post this up. Anywho, over the last two or so years, lots of stuff has happened in the brony community along with the world at large, so much that I couldn't even mention the whole damn thing(s) that have happened. Well my point is that it's been a strange and wild-card of a ride, I'm still traveling down

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  • 623 weeks
    To those that are following me as well as anyone that notices this blog.

    I have stated in my profile that I will be working on a fan-fiction project that would most likely turn into a series of different stories among other things. I want to tell you all that I am going to be post-poneing it for a few months, at least until I better my writing skills and techniques.

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    8 comments · 413 views
  • 650 weeks
    Well Howdy do, Mah name's Adam and think I'll fail at this story

    I am putting this blog thingy up before I start the story so that it will act as a reminder for me to start on the story and to always remember about to so I don't forget about it like the several hundred other ideas and stuff that I've had in the past and fail to remember anything about them usually.


    Wazzup mah friends on the Internet?

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    4 comments · 382 views

To those that are following me as well as anyone that notices this blog. · 4:37pm Aug 13th, 2012

I have stated in my profile that I will be working on a fan-fiction project that would most likely turn into a series of different stories among other things. I want to tell you all that I am going to be post-poneing it for a few months, at least until I better my writing skills and techniques.

I am a role-player, have been for at least five years or so, which has helped me with building back-story and basic histories of the factions and societies in my fan-fiction ideas but I am horrible at dialogue and overall conversations that are convincing and believable. Most likely the cause is because I love doing mostly fantasy themes mixed with futuristic themes among other themes and ideas that will look good to the role-play or storyline as I go.

Another problem of mine is that I make up the story as I go, changing with the current mood of the story and playing things out as they come up. Yes you'll probably think that this is what writing is about and writing stories is about simply writing it at your own pace and at least have a roughdraft of a storyline to use. But I have problems with organization due to having too many ideas at once and going too fast.

I also tend to jump around in my storyline of role-plays as well as try to say everything at once. I feel as if I am rushing myself and I set my expectations too high for my content. I also over-analyze many things both in fiction either created by someone else or created by myself even with IRL situations but that's a little different and not the point of this blog.

My main point for this blog is for some advice as well as to gather a team of collaborators to help me edit and create ideas for my story and I will help them with their stories as well.

Also I would like for anyone that knows of groups that can help me with my predicament, I know there are groups out there that help those that are in my specific or similar situation with ideas and stories, this will help me greatly.

Thank You for reading and taking the time to read this.

Report Adam95F · 413 views ·
Comments ( 8 )


That's fine plus I'm not really in a rush to get this done since I had most of the summer to at least find out what I need and whatnot and since school is going to start again I won't have time to do the stories I have planned. But another main point I am trying to do is gather people that have ideas and those that are like me so we can help eachother out and stuff. :yay:


Sure. I've got skype as well as msn, they should be on my profile in the biography thingy. :pinkiehappy:

Well I can't say I'd be the greatest of help, but if you'd like my opinion, drop me a PM, I'll help as I can.

Once upon a time, I had the exact opposite problem. I'd plan, and plan, and plan, until by the time I started writing, the whole thing came across as stilted and contrived, and the characters had no room to breathe.

It's a fine balance. I say, the best place to start is to have an ending in mind. It can be a long ways off if you like, and you can meander around on your way there. Just so long as you're always heading in the direction of that ending, it shouldn't matter how you get there, or what kind of crazy things you do along the way.

Just remember, every time you go to add a new crazy idea, ask yourself "how is this going to help be reach my destination? What is the fate of this new plot line?" If you don't have an answer yet, you might consider putting it to the side for a bit. You'll be amazed how ideas grow as you think about them.

Last but not least, if an idea never seems to fit into the overall story, you might consider revolving a new story around it, which will allow it to grow organically on its own without being confined to something else.

Once you've written a few shorter stories like that, you can start planning out larger stories using what I call "anchors". Anchors are those major scenes that define the direction the plot goes. Typically, they are the most memorably scenes, consisting of disagreements between friends, characters parting ways, new characters being introduced, old characters going away, surprise plot twists, and other things that significantly affect the story. The achors become your new destinations as you write. You can improvise and create scenes organically between anchors, so long as everything you write ultimately leads to that destination. What kind of achors you come up with depend on the kind of story you like. I'd practice by looking at and studying the anchor scenes in some of your favorite stories.


Thank you, actually I've been doing something like this ever since I posted this blog, just not exactly realizing it I suppose. Thanks again. :eeyup:


No prob.

I used to be a reviewer over at Ponychan, so I got a lot of experience looking at different fics. Let me know if you'd like me to look over anything, or help out with something more specific.

Good Luck! :twilightsmile:

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