• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 21st, 2013


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  • 624 weeks
    An Apology

    Sorry guys for the HUGE amount of time you've been waiting for Ch. 2 (I hope you guys are still waiting) things have been pretty hectic recently and I haven't been able to write frequently or if I get the chance I'll usually get writers block. But recently I've been able to write at a constant pace and I've had plenty of time to do so. Which means the chapter is going to be longer than the

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    2 comments · 395 views

An Apology · 11:16pm Aug 5th, 2012

Sorry guys for the HUGE amount of time you've been waiting for Ch. 2 (I hope you guys are still waiting) things have been pretty hectic recently and I haven't been able to write frequently or if I get the chance I'll usually get writers block. But recently I've been able to write at a constant pace and I've had plenty of time to do so. Which means the chapter is going to be longer than the last and I think I'll release it next week, No I WILL release it next week!

Thank you guys if you're still waiting (I really hope you are, I don't want to lose the few that read this) and hope you enjoy the next that'll come.

Report Mr-Brass-Man · 395 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Yah still waiting :/

I'm still reading (and eagerly awaiting your plans for the Tramp Stamp Trio)! :pinkiehappy:

When you post more chapters you should really consider putting the story in some groups: there's plenty of people who'd eat your writing up. It's definitely a step-up from most of the clop that gets posted here on a daily basis.

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