• Member Since 29th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Darth Redbeard

Readying for the Polar Express

More Blog Posts1441

  • Monday

    Early this month, they announced that the background departments where I worked were to be outsourced. They said that they couldn't provide for us anymore. We all know what this is. They just want to save money.

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  • 10 weeks
    Life Updates

    Well, my wife and I celebrated our six year anniversary on Wednesday. Got her a Papa Johns pizza, Oreo bites, flowers, and Root Beer. She started to feel guilty cause she wasn't able to get something for me, but I think she was just happy to have something. She did remember our first anniversary where I got reservations to a local restaurant and had some of her stuff hidden there. I was friends

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  • 11 weeks
    Update on life and stories

    I've started to dip into the Pokémon fandom with some oneshot ideas. Currently getting back into my fanfictions again, but it will take time to get them up and running more due to work Monday-Friday.

    Life, well, trying to get stuff done. I really suck at life in general, but I'll get through it.

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  • 18 weeks
    Little Avatar Change

    Screenshot from a game I've been playing.

    Took my Ghost Train fic/book and started the RR in said story (MLP version was Ponyville RR)

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  • 27 weeks
    Would like opinions

    I have three chapters from Love Found in War waiting to be published if anyone would like to see if they need any extra work done on them.

    I'm also working on ILOE still, but it's slow.

    Still also working on Sweetie and the Dragon as well as The Pony King.

    If I can get these done, I can focus on new projects.

    So, would anyone here like to see them?

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Still need to draw better · 2:46am Sep 3rd, 2015

But when I draw by hand, I do better than with a mouse

What could be done to make it better (besides use different paper and not use tablet to take picture)

Comments ( 6 )

Umm you wanna see my hand drawings?

3365829 now I remember. I'm rarely on the General-Crimson account. I mostly see yours through blogs

Sure I could help you!

First you have to remember, you can't just draw straightforwardly, the lines, curves, or whatever your drawing need to be light, sketch them out first, draw small lines joined, to make the shape of what you're drawing, improve, if you think the shape of the drawing is not how you prefer, don't erase, just draw on top of it, to get the right shape (again draw lightly and erase later).

Never draw one straight line, sure if it's an easy one you could, but not darkly.

When you're finished with your sketch, darken the lines, and if there are any light lines that are poking out just erase.

And a 2B pencil might help, it's not required, but it might help you with sketching or getting darker shades.

Here is an eg. em.wattpad.com/6d7d9e541524a3c457ebccceadf395f909c653a9/68747470733a2f2f642e776174747061642e636f6d2f73746f72795f70617274732f3136343039323238362f696d616765732f313430303731633961616633613538382e6a7067

I obviously didn't darken but still…

I hope this helped ^_^

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