AWESOME NEWS · 12:57am Aug 8th, 2015
Well some awesome news Im apart of a collab like WOAH its a Dashie story hopefuly during this time i will find someone to aid me in making my story cause i kinda hit alittle bit of writers block on the start...anyways if u guys are wanting to take a look at this then i'll post the link nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow on that note there is good abit of people collabing on this story which makes me thrill cause one of my favorite people on here is collabing on it, aka known as the first person i watched FamousLastWords like OMGAWD just innerfanboy but yea i hope you all go over and give the story a favorite and like cause its really first collab i'll be apart of it before my story gets published and by the time this story is over with i'll have gotten through some of my story but anyway guys it was nice talking so bye.
First off I literally didn't do jack shit for that collaboration and second fanboying really...
Ok I also clicked the link it's gone....well not liked I did anything for it so meh.