• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2023

Wing Dancer

I like hanging stuff on cliffs. They dangle so nicely till the next chapter arrives.

More Blog Posts61

  • 351 weeks
    I've been interviewed!

    So someone thought it'd be a good idea to invetview me. God knows why, maybe I should stop being dead on FiMfiction xD

    1 comments · 462 views
  • 370 weeks
    One Way Road - update

    Another update? So soon?! 13k+ words?!?!?!?!?!?


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    1 comments · 475 views
  • 371 weeks
    One Way Road - update

    Wrote a new chapter. Felt good. Hope to do more. Need an editor to take care of it (roughly~), and then I'll post it. GDoc version below the break

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    3 comments · 462 views
  • 390 weeks

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    4 comments · 789 views
  • 481 weeks

    Anzel-senpai noticed me @_@

    If you don't know who that is, SHAME ON YOU! Go and read his amazing fic. That wasn't even a suggestion. DO IT NOW! :flutterrage:

    4 comments · 464 views

Writing a story -- A step by step guide. · 2:46pm Jul 26th, 2012

1. Wake up around 11 AM. Be sure to complain how damn hot it is in the room you just slept in.

2. Make your way to the nearest PC, laptop, palmtop, smartfone or other platform that has a web browser and internet connection. Turn said contraption on.

3. Check new notifications. Being absolutely thrilled to have people comment and praise you is optional, but recommended. Reply to comments and thank readers for their precious time.

4. Faff around the house -- play games on Steam, complain about the hot weather, irritate your sibling(s) and promise yourself that today you'll start writing early.

5. Eat dinner -- since you didn't eat breakfast, complain about the small amount of food you got. Be sure to wash your dish afterwards, or put it in the washing machine if you happen to have one.

5. Continue faffing about -- play some more games, complain about nothing interesting in the TV, irritate family with MLP quotes and force one of your parents to watch two episodes on the only TV screen available.

6. At around midnight, remember you still have a chapter to write.

7. Make sure most of your family is asleep -- spirit away dad's laptop and close yourself in an empty room.

8. Prepare some tea with exactly two spoons of sugar, earphones and launch the laptop.

9. Launch your preferred web browser -- open the FiMFiction homepage, Google Translator and Youtube.

10. Browse youtube for a suitable song that contains no lyrics -- put it on youtuberepeat and put earphones on.

11. Open up Word or any other text editor you might be using. Scroll down over the 100+ pages of text you already have. If you have less, just scroll until the the pages no longer flip.

12. Forget the world exists. Bury yourself in your mind. This step is very critical.

13. Realize you forgot about your tea -- bring it and take a sip. Cringe if it is too hot or too strong.

14. Now, bury yourself in your mind again. Forget the heat, the day -- forget you are sitting at the laptop. You are in your story now, hovering over the unfolding events and scenes.

15. Write down what you see as fast as possible. If you have any doubts, disregard them. You are just a medium that relays the events in a parallel universe -- you're not to blame if something weird happens, right?

16. Keep on writing.

17. Check if you have over a thousand words -- if so, debate the possibility of extending the chapter. If you feel tired, call it a night. If you feel compelled to write more, do so.

18. Once you are done, check how many words you wrote. Use one unit of amazement per 1,000 words.

19. Select the whole text and run a spellcheck.

20. Facepalm or facehoof, whichever is applicable, at the amount of grammar mistakes you made.

21. Decide that if there are any more errors, somepony will eventually point them out.

22. Go to your web browser and click the "Add New Chapter" button.

23. Spend ten minutes on thinking up a witty title that in the morning will seem embarrasing or flat.

24. Copy-paste your awesome work that your tired mind allowed to slip past your sanity.

25. Check the clock. If it is past 3 AM, turn laptop off and fall into bed. Otherwise, go play something until you'll be sufficiently tired.

26. Complain about no air to breathe in the room. Say good-night to all your imaginary girlfriends and deities. Ask the Princessess for a dream about ponies, maybe they'll listen this time.

27. Don't notice when you wake up.

And there you have it. Hope this will help many aspiring writers. In the meantime, I'm far behind on point No 4, so please excuse me...

Report Wing Dancer · 154 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

wow... seems familiar. only without the writing, or the family.:rainbowlaugh:

This describes me up to 5. I usually don't get around to writing.:fluttercry:

Once you get into a rhythm of writing, it becomes second nature. The first week was horrible to motivate myself, but now, I have almost no troubles making myself sit down and torture Chip a bit :scootangel:

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