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I hate humanity so much right now. · 8:00pm Feb 13th, 2015

Comments ( 24 )

No you hate him right now. There's a difference.

Even if you don't agree with someone's beliefs or sexual desires that's no reason to kill them, I hope he gets the punishment he deserves

2793780 Confirmation bias. Yes there are shitty people out there, but using it as justification to claim that all people are shitty is just part of the problem. 'I hate humanity' is the war-cry of the misanthropic assholes who do that kind of shit. It's hard to hurt something you have a high opinion of.

People are inherently worth something and that's why things like that are wrong. News stories gravitate to showing that kind of stories because they are so shocking to normal people and that guarantees them views.

2793798 Well, I am a misanthropic asshole, after all. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that it's in the nature of most people to be cruel, and enjoy the suffering of others. Even animals don't torture their own for the heck of it. And, yes, while there are good people in the world, they're less numerous and influential, and their deeds go largely unknown.

But that's just my bitter and pessimistic opinion - I've seen too much disgusting things done by humans to have any faith left in us as a species.

2793870 Well then you’re the very thing you seem to hate. Congratulations. But hey, if most people are scum then every horrible thing that seems to justify your world view shouldn't even get to you because odds are most of those 'victims' had it coming, right?

And actually, yes they do. Dolphins have been documented raping penguins, animal mothers eat their own young, chimpanzees wage war with other tribes and eat meat even though they don't technically have too (and I wont even tell you what they do to the female and children of a competing tribe.) Predators kill even though they aren't hungry just to 'play' with their pray.

You can look down on people from your high horse all you want but the fact is, Humans are the only species on earth that even has a concept of morality that goes beyond base instinct.

2793910 High horse? Dude, I haven't had even the slightest shred of dignity or self-respect for a long time.

2793959 Then why are you passing judgement on other people in a way that implies you do?

2794062 Because I'm a hypocrite like that and honestly have nothing better to do at the moment.

2794062 I agree with everything you've been saying, Dakka. I realize these posts are already days old, but don't let him (Madmoth) get to you (assuming he has in some way/shape/or form. If not, then good :twilightsmile:). He's always been like that and he is not going to change. Take it from someone who has known him for a while, and ended said friendship because of it.

2804178 If the world's not going to improve their ways, I don't see why should I. I'm going to end up six feet under whether or not I'm a good person. Simple as that.

2804183 Dying is the inevitable fact that everyone faces, good or bad. And if no one makes an effort to do good or be good, then how is anyone else supposed to. That's why I do. No, that isn't a high horse, it's me stating a fact of how I hold myself to a better standard, because that's how I am.

If this kind of stuff -- the news articles -- piss you off so much, then why do you bother to watch/read them? I don't watch or read the news for these very reasons. And as Dakka has said before, the news is going to show/write about the most shocking, horrible, depraved shit it can get its hands on for one simple reason: ratings. They're less of a news station/website and more of an extremely R rated bad reality show. And you're supporting it.

But I don't know why I give you advice, you never take it.

2804188 Because you can't seem to accept the fact that I'm set in my ways and see it as pointless to hope humanity as a whole is going to wise up.

2804214 And you cannot see passed your own ignorance and are incapable of realizing that there are multiple sources of input when it comes to these issues. There is black, white and gray, and you've foolishly deluded yourself into thinking there is only black.

2804188 If nothing we do matters then all that matter is what we do.

2804183 And that's the problem right there. Statistically the world is getting better and has been for a long, long time, but people keep looking at the extreme negative examples as if they are the standard.

Again, if those stories were the norm then the news wouldn't bother reporting them. They report them because they shock us, and they shock us because most people aren't psychopaths. if they were then it would not be considered a disorder.

2804224 past*

You're implying I actually care whether or not I see shades of gray.

2804239 No, it really isn't getting any better. ISIS killing people left and right, Putin practically begging for WWIII with the crap he's trying to pull in Ukraine...

Those are not signs of the world improving.

2804249 Honestly? I don't think you've allowed yourself to care, or given yourself the chance to care. As I said, you foolishly deluded yourself into thinking there's only black, and not gray or even white. This issue is like ISIS, and what I mean by this is that the majority of islamic followers are NOT -- I repeat, NOT -- homicidal extremists. That part of their demographic is a very small fraction of the whole, but muslims are given a bad rap because of this small portion of extremists due to the media coverage. Why? Because that is, as Dakka has said, is what shocks us because it is not the norm.

But I'm sure you'll find some way to misconstrue my argument and somehow distort it to change the topic, because that's what you're good at is changing the issue or argument and dodge it when you know you're not right. Just stating a fact because I know you and how you operate.

2804239 Precisely. What matters is what we do. And people can do good things. It happens a hell of a lot more often than bad things, the only difference is media exposure and coverage.


I don't think you've allowed yourself to care, or given yourself the chance to care.

Because I can, because I will, and because I already am. Or is there a law or something against that? Is the internet police going to come and warn me against doing so?


Those are not signs of the world improving.

Actually there are plenty of signs that the wold is improving. Life expectancy is going up into triple digests. The world wide crime rate is steadily dropping. World hunger is slowly decreasing. And, even including both world wars and all the modern 'wars' with groups like ISS, fewer people died violent deaths in the 20th century then each century before it.

The world is a big place, dude.

2804491 And just how many people do you think this polluted dustball can support? Eventually we will run out of room, and hey, presto, we'll have another thing to fight wars over.

2804608 Thanks to GMO crops, more then are here already. And thanks to the work of one, Norman Borlaug, over a billion people were saved from starvation by the time he was awarded the Nobel prize for his work. And thanks to his legacy that number continues to grow every year.

But keep on moving the goal posts to pander to your sense of personal superiority.

2804711 Yes, because having a pessimistic view of world that differs from yours is personal superiority.

2804974 No, projecting that world view at others and moving the goal posts whenever someone offers an alternative one is.

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