• Member Since 19th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2023

heavy weapons brony

was born, which was cool, then stuff got weird

More Blog Posts10

  • 449 weeks
    okay never mind (fallout 4 challenge)

    I regret to inform you that due to a recent scheduled conflict i will not be participating in the fallout 4 challenge.

    however i was presented with a exiting opportunity that i will explain about this video.

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  • 449 weeks
    The Fallout 4 challange 4.

    Hello my followers, this is just to let you know the perimeters of a little challenge i have set up for myself.

    i will post all videos to individual blogs so my Fim followers can be updated as well.

    see you all when the bombs fall!

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  • 459 weeks
    whats been going on.

    hey guys, i've still been getting alot of questions on why my content comes and goes so i made a video describing my current situation in my life. just so you guys get a better idea on how my life is going and hopefully dispel any more rumors.

    also so i could plug in my gaming channel.


    3 comments · 301 views
  • 462 weeks
    I'm i back?

    hey guys HWB here and i just wanted to clear up some question (I presume) some ppl have for me.

    Am i back?

    the answer is,....maybe. true i did get internet but things havent improved here money wise. so i have no idea for how long.

    im still waiting (after 2 whole years) on the army, got what should be the last of my paper work done today and sent it up so, we'll see how it goes.

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  • 471 weeks
    HWB finally tells everyone what the hells the freaking hold up.

    My dear bronys

    it has come to my attention that following my sudden hiatus that many are spreading rumors that i have either run out of ideas or given up writing.

    let me dispel these rumors right now,

    whats happening is life has taken a lot of unexpected turns for me and i really wanted to wait until i knew what was happening before i came on here and explained everything.

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im not dead dahmmit · 5:28pm Feb 12th, 2015

OK, time for me to come clean about why I've really dropped in activity. OK. A while ago after I released "lithob3 chap 3" I ran into a severe writers block. So I decided to write a few oneshots. But after some arguments with mods and a few glitches in this sites system (I have nothing against the mods I love what they do its just we had a few disagreements and I'm willing to admit I was in the wrong.) Both of them failed. And I really fell out of writing. Started to get into tf2. Got my first strange cosmetic. Played a few competitive games (9v9 or higher) and almost got into a highlander games. But my friend only had 50 hours. Then the worst happened. My internet got turned off due to money issues. So after a few weeks of living in the wilderness (I actually like to go rough it in the woods a few days at a time) a lot of in insperation has hit. I now have the last chapter of Stubbs the zompony fully planned out. I just need to write it. But I can't do that until I get some internet service ( I write this blog on my phone. Which is not a way to write a story) I also have full intention. of finishing my lost in the heat of battle series. Along with a few one shots I never had time to finish. Just give me some time be cause I really don't know if I'm going to make its series or keep my nonsense humor. I've been debating. Anyway I'm rambling. The last question ppl ask me is "what about my little mercenarys? And ghosttbuckers?" Well ghostbuckers was a ambishous project for me. It took me about 2 hours to write a chapter for my first lithob fic. But ghostbuckers I would spend about 10 hours writing drafts and proofreading each chapter. (It was before I used Google docs. But even with it I spend about 7-8 hours on a chapter) so the likes and vewis where not enough to keep my interest. Now I like to think someday I'll finish it hut for now. The hiatus tag stays. Now as for "my little mercenaries" another case of lost intrest. I had no idea where I was going and I still don't know. I have a bad guy but I have
No idea how to bridge that gap. So when I do and I've finished my other five. I'll.probably start in on that one.

I should have internet in about 2 weeks (I have the money I'm just moving.)

So with that out of the way I just have one more thing to explain. Another contributing factor was editors. I had several editors that I held work for them to edit. They all said they would get to it but none of them did. I'm fine with ppl not editing my five its just s tell me so I can find one who can. I lost 7 weeks of writing waiting for these guys to edit my crap and in the end I couldn't get them to fix one word.

"Sigh". so I'm looking for dependable editors. Pls help me. They need to be open minded and like crossoverfics because that my bag. And maybe some NSFW stuff down the road.( the last bit isn't a requarment its just preffered)

( I just realised my phones spell check doesn't work on this site. So I'm sorry for the spelling and grammer on this blog)

So lastly I have something for you to get the flames of hype back after I've been gone so long (even though I'm not back yet)

Derp nukem will be returning in lithob3. I KNOW! I can't wait to write it!

Anyway. I hope this will get ppl to stop missing me and explain what's going on.

PS. Dear smudgy pinkie pie, do you have any idea how depressing it is to put someone's story in a group called "KIA"? It really bummed me out. But I digress. That was the biggest reason I wrote this blog.

Peace in -HWB.

Report heavy weapons brony · 268 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I can pre-read for you. Sadly, I'm going to stay away from moments that get too NSFW, but I'm okay pre-reading a fic that has it.


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