• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 5th


Compulsive writer of crossovers

More Blog Posts97

  • 414 weeks
    Pointless Blog #1: Nothing of Interest Here (I mean it)

    Random pointless blog because I am making simply to share something that has captured my heart. Tis a metapor as much as artwork or playing card. For it is entirely useless and utterly shit for use, yet it looks incredibly cool.

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    7 comments · 736 views
  • 415 weeks
    Some Art and Other Stuff

    Yeah, this year hasn't been good for writing. I've managed to get a little done, but no promises on a timetable. For those who are still eager for more, I'm trying, and I hope to have something for one of my stories soon. I might try to focus on finishing Bloodlines, but I'm not sure. In the mean time, enjoy some commissioned art I got done for Justice Itself, and then just some other art I got

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    11 comments · 728 views
  • 429 weeks
    Solution to writing problems?

    ...turns out, it's sitting in bed with laptop instead of using my PC. Yeah. Obviously I've been having troubles writing since this year began, despite, but I'm slowly getting to work again. Going to try and take it easy in my writing, because If I stress on it I'll make no progress, but thought at least some of you would like to know I've started to make progress again, however slow it might be.

    2 comments · 538 views
  • 439 weeks
    Friend In Need

    This isn't about any of my stories, sorry, but something a bit more important. A friend of mine, Noble Cause, is in rather dire straits right now and at risk of losing his house before he can find work. He's been a pre-reader on EQD and his advice when preparing Treacherous Mists to be sent to EQD was invaluable, along with him just being a

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    0 comments · 427 views
  • 440 weeks
    Plans for 2016

    Bored, so thought I'd waste your time as well by writing this, just a general rounding out of plans for the year. Might be interesting.

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Justice Itself - Random, Possibly Important Notes. · 3:42am Jun 21st, 2012

...or RPIN. Yes, I know, I;m such a genius. Incredibly humble too.

So, the 2nd chapter should be up any minute now. I've decided to make this with a few notes, so I can helpfully point anyone who asks something to if I feel the answer if one I'll have to keep repeating or if the answer is rather long.

Tyrael v Paladin:
My intention with swapping between these two names is one of perspective. I use Tyrael when its comes to things that are internal or I want to show something from his 'alien' point of view. A thought, remembering something, that sort of thing, will see the use of Tyrael.

When Paladin is used, its meant to show that its from an outside perspective. Pretty much anyone who isn't Tyrael, really. I'll try not to show his thoughts when I've just used Paladin unless I can get Tyrael in again before hand.

It boils down to a need to show that Tyrael IS alien to their world, that he won't understand things and I want to emphasis that. Something I want to try is to see how well I can do something as tricky as work through the issues Tyrael would suffer. He has spent his entire existence up to this point as a being of 'sound and light'. He has never eaten, as far as I know Angels don't eat like mortals or lesser demons do. They don't even sleep. He has never had to go to the bathroom, never had to blink.

He is utterly alien to their world and while the Princesses have done what they can, he has a lot of coping to do.

I really am pleased when someone, as done here >>761562 (to which Nealend86 has again my thanks for giving me the exact mistake which helped me correct it straight away). So, anyone who reads this I would appreciate it if my (hopefully rare) mistakes are pointed out to me.

Oh, and when I write with an 's' instead of a 'z' like with 'realise' instead of 'realize' I'm doing it on purpose. Same for colour and color. I'm Australian, and that's how we spell it.

Update Schedule!

The big one!....which I should have probably put at the top, really, so people don't have to wade through the other stuff to get here.

My update schedule is in no way reliable. It will be all over the place. Despite this, I intend to complete this story, and I think it'll be a long haul. In chapters, not in time it takes me although there's also a chance of that. I'm still halfway through Diablo 3, since I had to wait forever to get a new graphics card, but as long as I'm regularly playing it the odds are I'll have slightly better update time then usual.

On that note:


I really do flatter myself by thinking there are a few people who will keep coming back to read this story as I update it. Every comment, thumbs up and fav helps me. They give me inspiration simply bu the feeling that my work is being appreciated and they want more. I like feeling like I've done something worthy of praise or is at least enjoyed by others. The amazing (compared to my work on a few other fanfic sites for other non-pony fandoms) reception so far has bouyed me on to update far quicker then usual.

Keep it coming and who knows HOW fast I'll get the next chapter up? Certainly not me, and I'm the damn author!

I just remembered another thing I was going to talk about here a moment after posting this and the new chapter. Hopefully anyone online at the time will read the chapter first, giving me time to edit this. Time to cut to the chase!

I have decided, during the process of writing this, to involve a few more characters into the plot then originally, vaguely, intended. Caramel, for one. I don't know why, but I feel like it. There's not a huge amount to go on, so i'm going with the Fluttershy-esque I think I remember him doing it I think it was Winter-Wrap Up after losing the grass seeds. And I'm assuming his special talent in horse-shoe related 'cobbling' because, well, his cutie mark is horse shoes. So a shy, not exactly 'manly' (stallionly) guy who is friends with Big Mac, since a workhorse (pony) is the most likely one to need proper horseshoes. I'll think further on this.

Anyway, that's all, time to hit the "Edit Blog Post" and be done for the night. Well, technically morning since its about 4:30 am. I think I'm ab it tired.

Thanks to anyone who read alllllllll the way to this.

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Comments ( 3 )

Moar Australian slang? I shall go mad. :pinkiecrazy:
Can't wait for next update, and totally agree on the whole inspiration thing. It's the best to know someone enjoys what you're writing. :twilightsmile:

185709 I have made a slight edit to this blog post, since I had forgotten something. Its about 4:30am here, after all, and I had too much soft drink today.

I'll try not to overburden anyone with Aussie slang, it isn't likely to turn up in the story itself. I shall, however, use proper grammar. Ask anyone from England and they shall agree with my spelling.

Blasted colonials! *shakes fist at sky in gesture of vague and in-specific anger*

Also: did you mean the next update as in Chapter 3? Because I just put Chapter 2 up.

Your welcome! I'll try to keep an eye out for any other mistakes.

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