• Member Since 16th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2012


Poems are the things I do, Enjoy these poems from me to you.

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  • 656 weeks
    Fuck this

    I seriously quit now, I've got nowhere to turn from hete but fuck it,
    I'm DONE

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  • 656 weeks
    Okay guys, I'm working around some things.

    I'm trying my best to get something written,
    I'll try to get something out before I'm smitten.
    It's hard to work past an insescent block,
    All I can do is work by the clock.

    I can't seem to set up a simple plot,
    All the inspiration just seems to rot.
    I'm am literally just at a loss here,
    And it may be much worse that I fear.

    It may take me a while to get something out,

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    0 comments · 264 views
  • 656 weeks

    I just checked the news on the internet and saw a story, a very sad story that got a lot of attention after being uncovered by the family of the man who died around Christmas from a fatal heart condition. I've never ever in my life cried like this, I actually had tears rolling down my eyes, I wasn't just tearing up like I usually do when I read things like that. I was actually crying, which I

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    0 comments · 329 views
  • 656 weeks
    I'll just come right out and say this

    I hate myself oh with such a passion,
    That even most of you could never imagine.
    Ev'ry day I wale up to world of mediocrity,
    And move along as they control us with simple melodies.

    Inside it's all turned around,
    Nothing in there has ever been sound.
    But I feel just as bad from the night to the morn',
    My entire life has always felt torn.

    I hate being like this, I truly do,

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    0 comments · 246 views
  • 656 weeks
    I'll just come right out and say this

    I hate myself oh with such a passion,
    That even most of you could never imagine.
    Ev'ry day I wale up to world of mediocrity,
    And move along as they control us with simple melodies.

    Inside it's all turned around,
    Nothing in there has ever been sound.
    But I feel just as bad from the night to the morn',
    My entire life has always felt torn.

    I hate being like this, I truly do,

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    0 comments · 265 views

Fuck this · 1:12am Dec 31st, 2011

I seriously quit now, I've got nowhere to turn from hete but fuck it,

Report PoemPony · 419 views ·
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