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How To Speak How Princess Luna Speaketh · 12:12am Jun 3rd, 2014


I helped many ponies speak how Princess Luna Speaketh. I figure that I might as well just write a blogpost about it and point ponies at the blogpost:

Thou is second person singular.

This is how verbs conjugate:

For the plural, one does not use an ending. For the singular the pattern is nothing for first person, -st for second-person singular, and -th for third-person singular.

Thou is the subject. For the object, use thee. For possession, use thy or thine:

For the the indefinite article and possessives, use the the bare form before consonants and the form ending -n before the letter h, semivowels, and vowels.

The VT-Distinction:

In France, the King started referring to himself in the first-person plural (The Royal We) because he spoke for all of France. He insisted on being addressed in the second-person plural because one addresses all of France. This spread and became the VT-Distinction because of pronouns in Romance Languages. The rule is that the T-pronoun is for second-person singular familiar inferior, while one uses V for everything else. In English, this lead to the loss of the T-Form.

In Luna Eclipsed, Princess Luna uses the Royal We, so one might want to use the VT-Distinction:

When addressing Princess Luna, always use you because she represents all Equestrians, but when Princess Luna addresses 1 subject, have her always use T.

Report Walabio · 808 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

294 views and I'm the only person to comment.


> "294 views and I'm the only person to comment."

I consider that a good thing:

None found any nits to pick; so now, I probably got it mostly right.

so ...mind explaining this for people that don't have an English major or maybe barely passed English classes?
because both of those are true for me


You is plural and thou is singular.

We addressing Princess Luna

Do you mean "When addressing Princess Luna"?

Also, please follow these paragraphs with one or more examples for clarity. Number depends upon how many rules you include in that paragraph. Some are fairly obvious while others are not.

- For the plural, one does not use an ending. For the singular the pattern is nothing for first person, -st for second-person singular, and -th for third-person singular.

- For the the indefinite article and possessives, use the the bare form before consonants and the form ending -n before the letter h, semivowels, and vowels.

- The rule is that the T-pronoun is for second-person singular familiar inferior, while one uses V for everything else.

- We addressing Princess Luna, always use you because she represents all Equestrians, but when Princess Luna addresses 1 subject, have her always use T.

Also, define and give examples for VT-Distinction, T-Form, and T-Pronouns.



Thanks for the input. I shall integrate it into future updates of this article. I shall fix "we" when I meant "when" now.

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