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More Blog Posts22

  • 424 weeks
    Status update: Waking Night

    First off, for those of you who've been following my Eclipseverse stories, I sincerely apologize for the long wait. The next update will be coming soon, and it will be a pretty good-sized one as I've been working on multiple chapters. The reason I haven't been releasing them immediately upon completion is because my last chapter ended on something of a cliffhanger, but the next one was going to

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  • 457 weeks
    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Just putting out a signal boost for this game. For those who don't know the history, Fighting is Magic was a highly anticipated fan-made fighting game, but legal issues caused it to be hit with a Cease & Desist order, so it was canned. The spirit lives on, however, with Them's Fightin' Herds, featuring a new, original team of quadruped fighters designed by Lauren Faust herself.

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  • 495 weeks
    Boku no Pony Academia

    First off, an apology for those who are still waiting for an update to Griffon the Brush-off and The Cutie-Marky Tales. Progress is being made, but I've been having trouble just sitting down and focusing on writing. I'll try to make it good enough to be worth the wait when I do get the next chapters posted, though.

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  • 505 weeks
    EMV #3: Springtime Sorrow

    This one came to me after listening to the folk songs from the soundtrack of season two of Telltale's The Walking Dead game. Well, that is, I knew that I'd have to use this hauntingly beautiful song in some capacity the moment I heard it, and the question was 'how'. Then it just occurred to me that I could use it to tell a little backstory.

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  • 505 weeks
    EMV #2: Mare-Do-Well

    Hey, guys. While I wouldn't say that Assassin's Creed: Rogue has stolen my soul, it's definitely borrowing it for a while, so no new story chapters yet. That's not to say that I don't have something to post, though, so here we are with another Eclipseverse Music Video. Those of you who've been reading my stuff know that with Rainbow Dash grounded for life, Scootaloo has a different idol

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My Adventures With Pony Tales, pt. 2 & 3 · 2:44am May 5th, 2014

Last time on "Moonshadow": To celebrate the 800th anniversary of Equestria's victory over a shadowy menace known as Eclipse, Princess Celestia is to celebrate aboard the Radiant Dawn, a massive luxury airship. Each of them possessing their own motivation to seek an audience with the aged alicorn, our four protagonists have made their way onto the ship. In 1st class are Glacier, the timid griffon, and Horatio, an 'adventurer' who seeks to gain funding for his next 'expedition'. In coach is Delta, a minstrel who seeks only to perform for the ruler of Equestria. During the opening ceremonies, she made the acquaintance of a friendly family of farmers, and informed on another family after overhearing a subtly ominous comment. Lastly, the orphaned unicorn filly Bolt managed to smuggle herself aboard and keep herself hidden away, having found a map of the airship while sneaking around in the bowels of the engine room.

And with that, I think I'd like to start the session by focusing on Bolt, since she didn't get a lot of 'screen time' in the first session.

Delta Requiem:
(Yeah, she spent most of it in a box)

((I'll refrain from thinking up any dustbin jokes. :) ))

(oh, just get it over with http://a.tgcdn.net/images/products/zoom/e5a7_canned_unicorn_meat.jpg )

(Anyway, Bolt has been hiding away, waiting for the airship to take flight. You feel that it's finally leveled off, so what do you do now?)

(I listen to see if there's anyone close to my hiding spot, then peek out if I don't think anyone's around)

Bolt rolls Perception (23)

Delta Requiem:
(I'm gonna go AFK a bit, to fix myself a burger)

(It's been acting up, huh?)

Bolt's ears, keenly listening for signs of anypony who might come across the hiding stowaway, hear only the sounds of machinery chugging away.

* Bolt peeks out slowly, and looks around, both for other pnies and for the nearest exit to somewhere passengers might be.

(another perception?)

That's not necessary. Based on your study of the map earlier, you would know that the nearest way up from where you are is a service door leading out into the 1st class area.

* Bolt frowns a bit and looks down at herself. Not exactly first class material... Buuut, nothing wagered nothing gained. She goes for the door. If it has a window, she stops before it and takes a peek, if she's tall enough.

(ooh, so I'm behind the stage?)

(Placed your token at the north end of the Banquet Hall) Bolt is too short to see through the window set into the door, but it opens easily, and a peek through it reveals that it leads behind the stage in the ship's 1st class banquet hall. A thick red curtain separates the backstage area from the rest of the hall, but from the other side you can faintly make out the sound of two stallions talking.

(other side of the curtain? or the door?)

(Of the curtain.)

* Bolt smiles a bit and walks backstage, though tries to keep set pieces, etc.. between her and the curtain, in case she needs to hide. Listens to the two stallions, in case anything interesting.

AFK a bit.

(Roll me Perception.)

Bolt rolls Perception (18)

The emptiness of the banquet hall allows sound to travel well enough for you to hear most of what they're saying. One of them, a pegasus in Royal Guard armor says to a greyish-purple unicorn with a blonde mane, "...already had one alarm today, so don't cause a panic. Just keep an eye out." The unicorn salutes and energetically replies, "You can count on me! I won't let anything happen while the princess is on board!"

The pegasus face-hooves before telling him, "And don't salute! The whole point is for you to blend in. That's what 'undercover' means!"

* Bolt frowns. They can't possibly be talking about her, can they? She retraces her steps in her head. Nope... nopony's seen her... as far as she can recall... Either way, that's not good. She looks for an exit from backstage that doesn't go back below, or on stage. Time to go blend in with a crowd.

Bolt rolls Perception (14)

Delta Requiem:
(Back. I'm guessing Delta was the cause of the one alarm.)

(nuuuu... rolls getting steadily worse....)

There's no other way out that doesn't lead back into the engine room. Not that you find, at any rate. But as the unicorn has been given his instructions, both he and the armored guard make their way out through the big doors on the opposite end of the banquet hall.

(banquet hall now empty? or perception for that?)

(Let's just say that you already determined that they were the only ones in there.)


((AFK for a sec))

Delta Requiem:
(First me, then Horatio, now TNF. What next, will Phaze need to go AFK for one reason or another? :P)

* Bolt peeks out of the curtains, slowly, and looks around, half hoping there's food set out (it is a banquet hall, after all, and look at all those tables) She dashes off the stage, heading for the doors, taking a path to stay near the wall instead of that biiiig open space... By food if there is any, ponykinesis to grab some and put in her bags as she goes by.

Unfortunately for Bolt, there is no food set at this moment. The tables are set for a large gathering, but dinner is still hours away.

(eh, didn't think so)

* Bolt peeks through the double doors

Bolt rolls Perception (11)



((Slow and steady decrease there.))


(you noticed that, too? :( )

Down either side of the corridor, you see a few more doors on the opposite wall leading to the Gym and Day Care areas. At the far ends, you see large swimming pools filled with laughing, happy ponies.

(my study of the map included this deck, yeah?)

(or just engineering bay?)

(I'll say yes, because it would need to show where the various exits come out to.)


* Bolt , through sheer coincidence, takes the way past the gym, figures she could say she got lost looking for day care or something, Decides to go down to eastern side coach section, maybe find an empty room to hide out in, steal a few things to blend in better.


Delta Requiem:
(Would be 'starboard', not 'eastern', since we don't know which way the ship is oriented.)

Roll Athletics.

Bolt rolls Athletics (16)

(the side on the right of the map)

Delta Requiem:
(Like I said, starboard)

Let's not be pedantic, and just assume that Bolt doesn't know nautical terminology. ;)

(*will totally go anti-starboard next time* :P)

As you reach the end of the hall, you suddenly get tripped over by an adult stallion. It doesn't hurt much, but you both get taken by surprise as he tumbles over you.

Oww... oh, gosh, I'm sorry little filly! I didn't see you there!

* Bolt untangles herself and sits on her rump, rubs her head a bit, "Ooooh..." She's not actually hurt, but wanting to get a guage of the guy. (would she recognize the voice? or perception for that?)

(Hmm, you didn't actually get a look at him, did you? Yeah, gimme Perception.)

Bolt rolls Perception (13)

Delta Requiem:
(The RNG hates you)

(yeah, but at least it's on upward curve now?)

(at least for percepption rolls...)

His voice sounds slightly familiarish, but with the difference in acoustics between the banquet hall and the noisy swimming pool area, you can't say you definitely recognize it.

Dashing Doo:
The unicorn holds out a hoof to help you up. "I'm really sorry, I was paying attention to... uh... stuff... instead of where I was going."

* Bolt rises to her hooves, with help from the stallion, looks up at him, "Sorry mister, wasn't watching where I was going, either!" Looks around playfully, then puts a hoof to her mouth, "Shhhh, Hide'n'seek" And with that, she dashes off rear-ward with a laugh.

(need I roll anything? or just head that way?)

Dashing Doo:
The unicorn chuckles to himself, watching the filly dash away. "Heh... that's a good kid. And that's a sharp-looking vest. Wonder why she'd be wearing something like that in here?" The gears turn in his head before a though suddenly occurs to him. "Oh, gosh... I need to ask her where her parents are so I can apologize to them!" With that, he starts chasing after the filly, shouting, "Hey! Wait!"

(nuuuu.... about how far do I make it before he calls out after me?)

Dashing Doo:
(I'd say about there.)


* Bolt eeks to herself and rounds the corner, hoping no one is in the gym, intending to duck inside while using audiomancy to throw her laughter to the corner rearward of the daycare, as if she just rounded the corner as the stallion gives chase.

Dashing Doo:
The unicorn calls out again for you to stop as he gives chase, getting distracted by the echoing noise you throw down the hallway to the VIP quarters.

(no no)

Dashing Doo:
(Oh, my bad.)

* Bolt waits for the stallion to go by, before heading the other way, and back rearward again. Hopes she doesn't run into him again.

As you make your way back out to the pool area, a swarthy yellow unicorn with a red-and-white mane takes notice of you while chatting with some middle-aged mares. Quirking an eyebrow, he says in a thick Caballerian (Spanish) accent, "Pardon me, senoras, but there is something that I must attend to."

(Oh what, am I gonna get the attention of everypony on the ship now? ;P)

Classy Unicorn:
Breaking away from the mares, who swoon at his accent, the unicorn catches up to you and says with a friendly grin, "Clever trick you pulled on that fellow, senorita. But I do not think joo learned it at one of the sort of academy the rest of these fillies and colts attended, did joo?"

Delta Requiem:
(Where is this unicorn?)

Classy Unicorn:
(Sorry, forgot to make him visible.)

* Bolt continues heading rearward (if she can) . Beams up at him with a grin, though is trying not to panic inside, "Oh no mister, learned that one all on my own."

Classy Unicorn:
The unicorn laughs as he keeps up with you, but doesn't try to stop you from going where you want. "I could tell. I have a keen eye for that sort of thing."

Dashing Doo:
Meanwhile, a confused purple unicorn comes back, scratching his head. Looking around, he spots Bolt and calls out, "Oh, there you are! Hey!"

(how far do I get before first pony gets there?)

Classy Unicorn:
The yellow unicorn turns, and with a disarming smile asks, "Oh, joo have met my neice?"

(BRB, gotta grab my dinner real quick.)

Delta Requiem:


* Bolt raises an eyebrow at the classy unicorn a bit in surprise, but rolls with it, backing up a bit, as if hiding behind the unicorn, "Yes Uncle, this was the one that knocked me down and started chasing me I was just telling you about..."

Delta Requiem:

Dashing Doo:
The purple unicorn's eyes bug out, and he starts sputtering in denial. "I-I'm sorry! I thought you said... but I was looking for... I just wanted to...!"

Classy Unicorn:
The classy unicorn arches an eyebrow at Bolt, which the other stallion is too flustered to notice. Nevertheless, he points accusingly and asked, "Joo sir! Do joo know who this filly is? Do joo know who I am? I, sir... am Pantalones Enfuego!" For a moment, it sounds like the strum of a Cabellerian guitar accompanies his name. "And as these ladies will attest, I am a very important pony! Now, joo will apologize to my niece at once, or I shall give joo a thrashing myself!"

Delta Requiem:
(I notice neither the hapless guard nor Mr. Enfuego have Cutie Marks)

(Yeah, I'm not going to spend the time making them for each unique character.)

(gasp! changlings! all of them!)

(You can ask what they are if you want, I'm just not going to draw them, and might need a moment to think something up.)

(flaming pants for this one? :3 )

(Yes, to symbolize his fiery Caballerian passion! And nothing else.)

(uh huh... suuure ;P not a liar at all, after this little exchange and everything...)

* Bolt peeks out from behind the unicorn, feigning shyness towards the purple stallion.

((Bolt is such a naughty filly.))


Dashing Doo:
At a loss, the purple stallion gulps and exclaims, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, it was a total accident! I'll be more careful, I promise!" With that, he bows down to the floor as if he were in front of the Princess herself.

Pantalones Enfuego:
"Hmph. Well... I suppose that if the senorita can forgive you..." He turns to Bolt and asks, "What do joo think?"

* Bolt peeks out further from behind the unicorn, though sticks behind him a bit, "It... it's okay... if it was an accident and all..."

(I should call him "Uncle Pants")

Pantalones Enfuego:
Pantalones nods. "Alright. But I had better not see joo harassing this leetle angelita again!" The purple unicorn meeps and quickly scampers away, leaving the two of them alone.

Delta Requiem:
(Always gotta pick on the rookie undercover Guard, eh? :P)

Pantalones Enfuego:
Turning back to Bolt, Pantlones grins and asks, "Now that that is out of the way... what would joo say to a meal?"

* Bolt let's out a breathe she didn't even know she was holding as the stallion slinks away. Turns to the enigmatic unicorn, bites her lip, starts out somewhat unsure but becomes a bit more confident as she speaks "I... wouldn't say no... though I'm not sure why you did that for me. But thank you."

Pantalones Enfuego:
Pantalones laughs and pats you on the shoulder in a friendly way. "I just know what it looks like when a child is running to keep ahead of authority, my little angelita, and I think we can help each other. Oh, but that can wait until joor leetle belly is full. My treat."

Delta Requiem:
(I'm feeling lonely in coach by myself...)

(And that seems like a decent spot to put a bookmark in the scene. It went on a little longer than expected, so would there be any problem with switching over?)

(nope, go for it)

(Sorry, Delta. I have a sucky sense of how long a scene is likely to take.)

(and I was trying to get down that way, I was )

(So, Delta want to go next? Or we could do Horatio, since he had to leave early last time.)

(And if there's anyone we don't get to tonight, which is looking likely, I'll be willing to do a pick-up session on Saturday.)

Delta Requiem:
(Horatio, you want to go first, or shall I?)

(I'm good with either, I'm still a little out of it.)

(We can put you off until Saturday, if you'd prefer.)

(he can be airsick until then )

Delta Requiem:
(In that case, I'll go first.)

(I think that would be a good idea, I'm still a bit feverish and achey,sorry)

(NP, you can't help it.)

(*hugs and feeds pony chikkin soop*)

(Alright, so what's Delta up to?)

Delta Requiem:
Delta continued to chat with the adorable filly Greenie Smith and her family, playing an occasional tune on her lute. "So, where are you all from? I have to say, I wouldn't think farmers like yourselves would be too eager to go on such a fancy voyage."

Oh, Pokey and Ah used ta work on a plantation a bit outside o' Neigh Orleans. Work was steady, but... well..."

She glances over to Greenie, who is distracted by staring out the window and watching a flock of birds fly past. Turning back to Delta, she continues, "The boss was a pig. Paid us near nothin', an' charged us fer the leaky roof over our heads an' the rusty ol' tools he had us use. Then made us pay him back fer anything what broke so's we'd be in even more debt. Time came we jus' couldn't stand bringin' up Greenie in that sorta life no more, so we sold every li'l thing o' value we had left, an' bought us these tickets, hopin' ta find somewhere where a few good honest farmers can make a livin' without bein' squeezed ta death."

Pokey Oaks:

Delta Requiem:
Delta frowned. "Hm... you know, I know of a huge empty stretch of land just south of Canterlot. It'd make an excellent farm, plantation, orchard, or what have you. You'd need to ask Princess Celestia about a land grant, though."

Phaze is disconnected.

(Don't break the fourth wall. We'll lose our deposit on it.) ;)

Delta Requiem:
(Aaaand we lost one.)

Phaze has connected.

Delta Requiem:
(And he's back.)

(uh... was that just me that disconnected?)

(Looks that way. Don't worry, I don't think you missed anything important.)


"Really? Why, that'd be... wait a dang minute... Y'all ain't talkin' 'bout the Everfree Forest are ya? Everypony knows that land's cursed!"

Delta Requiem:
Delta shook her head. "Not the Everfree itself. There's a huge empty plain next to it." She glanced over at Greenie. "A nice, open area, where a foal can run around, laugh, and play without somepony shouting at her..."

(and I hear there's a thing call zap apples growin in the woods themselves... :P)

(Like I said while you were out, don't break the fourth wall or we'll lose our deposit.)


Delta Requiem:
(Now, now, Delta's not THAT well-traveled. She wouldn't know about zap-apples.)

Sew'n'Sow rubs her chin. "That's... still mighty frightenin'."

Pokey Oaks:

Sew'n'Sow blinks. "Pokey?"

Pokey Oaks:
The farmer chews on his thoughts for a bit before replying, "Ah'd rather try our luck an' the sweat of our brow 'gainst some phantasmal 'curse' than swim 'gainst the current in a rigged economic system. Way Ah sees it, it's our best shot at a better life. Not just fer ourselves, but fer li'l Greenie as well. A chance ta stake our claim in the world so's we can provide our li'l gal with a legacy she can be proud of."

Sew'n'Sow blinks at her husband's sudden eloquence.

Delta Requiem:
(Ah, so that's where Big Mac gets it from. His great grandpa.)

((Erf, AFK again.))

Delta Requiem:
Delta nodded. "Your husband is right, Sew n' Sow. Besides, I've traveled through that region myself plenty of times, bouncing between Canterlot and Manehattan, and I've seen no evidence that the plains are cursed."

Sew'n'Sow sits back and leans against her husband, giving a nervous smile. "Well... if what ya say is true, then that could be our chance... Oh, but we'd have ta find a way ta meet Princess Celestia fer that 'land grant' ya talked about, an' the only time we'd get a chance is at that fancy ball tomorrow night! Honey, do y'all think we could get inta that contest they was talkin' about at the door?"

Pokey Oaks:

Delta Requiem:
Delta smiled. "See? Just keep moving forward, hoping for a brighter tomorrow."


Delta Requiem:
She got up and moved to stand next to Greenie. "Admiring the view?"

Greenie Smith:
Yuh-huh! Ah c'n see all the way ta those mountains o'er there!

Delta Requiem:
(Which mountains are she referring to? The ones past Everfree, the ones Canterlot is on, what?)

(THose mountains.)


(The mountainy mountains.)

(I'm going to say the Foal Mountains east of Canterlot.)

Delta Requiem:
(Roll Knowledge to see how much Delta knows about them?)

(Please do if you want more detail about the area. Actually, I think that would be a History check.)

Delta Requiem:
Delta Requiem fumblesher History check and rolls a (1).

Delta Requiem:
(... Well, at least Bolt's not alone on the poor rolls...)

(You think it's the Smokey Mountain.)


Delta Requiem:
"Hm... I want to say that's the Smokey Mountain range, but I'm not sure... that's not a region I've traveled to."

Ah hope it ain't. We're supposed ta be flyin' over Neighagra Falls tomorrow, not th' Unicorn Range." When Pokey looks at her quizzically, she replies, "What? Ah read th' brochure."

Delta Requiem:
Delta shrugged. "Well, nopony's gone everywhere in the world, have they? My time's mostly been spent traveling between cities and towns. I could probably tell you stories about Fillydelphia, Manehattan, or Neigh Orleans, but wilderness isn't my area of expertise."

Delta Requiem:
(That's a minor flaw with this system; you can't really specialize in certain skills. I mean, Knowledge has Arcana and History, but not Geography, Local, etc.)

(Yes you can, there's an ability)

(Freaky Knowledge.)

Delta Requiem:
(Ah. Might need that at some point...)

(So, any plan of action you want to take to try to get a pass into the ball, or should we give Glacier some time in the spotlight?)

Delta Requiem:
(Short of trying to hunt down and charm a stallion in coach, I don't think that's gonna happen. Besides, Delta may want to perform for Celestia, but she believes these farmers need an audience more.)

Delta Requiem:
(You're up, Glacier)


(that's actually kinda brilliant. get the farmers in, they casually mention they got the idea from a pony that wanted to play music for Celestia.... Guards are sent, pegasus fetched, and so on)

Delta Requiem:
(Wait, one last line.)

Delta Requiem:
Delta started chuckling. "You know, I got on this voyage because I wanted, more than anything, to perform for the Princess. But, I think you all deserve an audience with her more than I do."

(But you know, if you couldg et me in too)

(That'd be great)

(No pressure)

Delta Requiem:
(Hush, peanut gallery. :P)

(Glacier, you've just discovered that your ticket to the ball... your best chance to ask Celestia about finding your missing friend... is missing. What do you do? What DO you do?)

((Well him and Duri look around the room quick for starters))

((Do I need to roll Perception for it?))

(If that's what you're doing, then yes. Roll for both of them.)

Glacier rolls Perception (29)

« 1d20+5 = 17 + 5 = 22 »

((That's Duri's))

You both search the room high and low, but there isn't so much as a trace of the pass. Wherever it is, it must have been taken before you entered the room.

*steps out of his room once he finds nothing of the ticket inside, Duri flapping quickly behind. The griffon looks left and right down the halls* It has to be here somewhere!

So, where do you want to start looking?

((I suppose by retracing their steps from the room to the ship's entrance. That would be suggested by Duri BTW. :) ))

Alright. So you follow the path that the porter led you along, seeing colorful ponies (mostly unicorns in this section of the ship) playing and socializing.

((This would lead in which direction exactly? :) ))

(Over toward the big connecting corridor.)

((So around the rooms and towards those double-doors?))


(Now, if we're playing these as taking place simultaneously, you COULD pass by Bolt and Pantalones if Phaze wants.)

(Okay, I'm really sorry to crash again, but I will be all revved up for saturday)

(I'm off)

(See you later!)

*starts down the hall after getting a couple of wing baps to the head and told by Duri to calm down and retrace his way into the ship* Oh yeah, good idea!

Horatio is disconnected.

(I could go with that, but other than them being a griffon, wouldn't really be anything to single them out)

(unless bat fruit just start wailing on griffon for whatever reason :P)

(*snerks* Yeah, that'd probably get a filly's attention.)

((Well Duri's not THAT much like Angel Bunny in that regard.))

Alright, so what are you doing while you re-trace your step?

((Well I assume I'm rolling Percept-checks every so often. :) As for G, he's looking around everywhere, slowly panicing while Duri keeps his own eye open for any sign of the pass.))

You keep your eyes peeled, but there's no sign of it. Somepony must have picked it up, assuming it just fell out of the envelope in the first place.

(wasn't the envelope on the bed when they came in or something?)

(No, it was handed to you before your were led to your room.)

*starts to lose his calm again after a few minutes of wandering down the halls* No, no, oh no, where could it be?! *he starts pacing nervously back and forth* I can't believe it. Our best chance to talk to the princess and it's now gone! *Duri lands on the top of the griffon's head and starts squeaking for a moment, Glacier answering when he's done* I know, I know, but this way we wouldn't have had to sneak by any of the guards. Grrrrgh, where could it have fallen out at?!

Delta Requiem:
(Would Glacier be passing Bolt and Mr. Enfuego by this point?)

((Probably by the hot tub at least if not past them and into the connecting hall by now))

(So, let's take that as a yes.)

(works for me, but you may need to do something to attract fillys attention)

((I got an idea))

*Duri gives his head a shake, a wing-tip brought up to his forehead and eyes closed briefly in dramatic fashion as he squeaks out some. Relaxing his pose, he spots a pair of unicorns ahead and flaps his way over, perching on the adult's nose before going into another squeak-speak bit*

((How's that? :) ))


Delta Requiem:
(Where'd Duri go?)

Pantalones Enfuego:
Pantalones was just about to lead Bolt to the snack bar when a fruit bat suddenly lands on his nose. "This... I did not expect. And joo are...?"

((Dropped him off on Mr Pants.))

((He melted right through.))

* Bolt 's eyes go wide as shes see the living fruit perch on the nose of her 'Uncle'. "What in the hay?"

*the fruit bat gives them a 'didn't you hear me before' line of squeaks before the griffon rushes over quickly, quickly snatching Duri off of the adult unicorn's muzzle with the sort of fluid movement that indicates he's probably done this before* I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

Pantalones Enfuego:
"Ahh, our distinguished griffon guest. I saw joo from a distance at the opening ceremony, but did not notice joor... pet?"

((Fffff...AFK again.))

Pantalones Enfuego:


* Bolt remembers to shut her mouth and looks over the griffon, seeing them before but never this up close.

*the word 'pet' seems to set off something in the fruit bat, it giving a loud indignant squeak before trying to squirm out of talons that have already clutched down tighter, something also coming from practice* Duri's not a pet, he's my friend. He didn't mean to bother you two but we're looking for a missing ticket to a ball being held later. Have you seen it around?

* Bolt peers at the fruit for a bit before she shakes her head, "Nope, can't say that I have."

Pantalones Enfuego:
Pantalones ahhs. To Duri, he says, "My sincere apologies, senor Duri." To Glacier, he says, "And I am afraid I cannot be of help to joo either. I can honestly say that I have not seen a loose ticket."

Delta Requiem:
(I get the sneaking suspicion that Delta's tip to the guards didn't keep that 'family' from getting on board.)

(No spoilers) ;)

(Anyway, sorry, but it's getting late and I have work early in the morning. Any last words, NF? We can pick up on Saturday.)

*sighs, lowering his head a little* I see. Well, thank you then. I suppose we should keep looking then.

((That fine? :) ))

Pantalones Enfuego:
Before the griffon goes, Pantalones says, "If I may, senor, I have found that when looking for something that has gone missing, it helps to ask those who were around at the time."

Delta Requiem:
(Wait, is Glacier a rooster or a hen?)

Pantalones Enfuego:
(He's male.)

((He's a male but not much of one when compared to other griffons. :) ))

Delta Requiem:
(So, we done for tonight?)

((I think so?))

(Yeah, I'd say so. It's just getting late for me. Hope you guys had fun with the session, though.)

Yeah, even though Delta didn't do much.

(yup :3)

(Yeah, I'll try to arrange things so Delta has an avenue she can be more pro-active toward.)


Last time, in "Moonshadow": Each of the main players had started to settle in as the Radiant Dawn took flight.

Delta, ever the entertainer, took the time to converse with Greenie Smith and her parents, and offered them some advice regarding their future plans.

Bolt, upon leaving her hiding place, quickly bumped into a unicorn guard working undercover to keep an eye out for threats to Celestia. Though he seemed to be completely oblivious to her status as a stowaway, she found herself getting made by Pantalones Enfuego (insert guitar strums), who covered for her by pretending to be her uncle.

Glacier and Duri, realizing that their pass to the ball (and best chance of meeting Princess Celestia) has gone missing, has gone searching and came across Bolt and Pantalones.

As for Horatio... we'll find out what he's up to right now.

Going AFK for a bit while I broil some burgers.

(planting more books in the bathrooms, more likely :P)

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esq, Adventurer at large, is targetting his demographic. People silly enough to believe his books. That involves being very public in energetic areas where rich ponies like to pretend they lead very adventurous lives.

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
From there, Horatio will do manly things like attend the boxing bag, for he is very noticable. After all, his books are in key places across the ship, with his picture on the front.

1st Class Passenger:
Good heavens! How EVER did you escape that vicious river serpent?

* Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire . o O ( Ah, perfect. )

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Horatio punches again, then leans against the bag with just the right mixture of well cultured and roguishness. "Well you see, I was moving down the river, trying to recover one of the ancient Diamond Dog artifacts."

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
"When this snake came out of the river and bit my raft in half!"

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
"I had no choice, I could save the Jewel of the Sun, for the orphans back home, or save my loyal crew."

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
"So I braced the raft with my knees and used the serpent's tongue to tie its mouth shut. Then, just before we went over the falls, we all climbed over the snake, to safety, leaving the Jewel of the Sun to crash to the river below."

1st Class Passenger:
My goodness! That sounds entirely too harrowing for me, but you know...

1st Class Passenger:
I happen to be very good friends with some ponies who would absolutely LOVE to hear all about your adventures. You simply MUST join us at our table for the princess's ball tomorrow night.

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
"There is nothing I would love more then to share my adventures with my fans."

1st Class Passenger:
"Splendid! Just be very careful to keep your pass securely tucked away. I hear that there are... " He shudders before continuing. "...COACH passengers who have been trying to secure seats for themselves.

Delta Requiem:
(For future reference, what kind of roll would it be to detect Horatio's BS?)

(Hmmm, Perception probably.)

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
"That's just bucking awful, you know?"

(Or, say, a History check if you're trying to pick out a factual error in his stories by comparing it to your own knowledge.)

(No, no)

1st Class Passenger:
"Simply dreadful. Why, I saw with my own eyes a pegasus stallion... or... perhaps it was a mare...? A-anyway, they were practically begging other passengers for a pass like some sort of hobo."

(He does the Gilderoy Lockehart thing, only, you know, without screwing people over.)

(That is, he goes for things he can't actually retrieve but might be there so he can hang around and lie about it later. Sure, there might be a Jewel of the Sun!)

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
"That's dreadful that is. Mind you, we should always help the needy, but downright begging. Bucking awful, that is. Don't you worry, a Fisticuffs never gets stolen from." Unless it's an artifact at the end of the story.

1st Class Passenger:
The other stallion nods and looks at the wall clock. "Oh, my, is that the time? My apologies, but I must be getting back to my room to change for supper."

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Horatio hmms. He coulld check his pass. Give him time to check his stubble and put on his rugged but handsome suit.

1st Class Passenger:
His mark--er... that is, 'new friend' heads off, leaving Horatio to do just that.

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Horatio heads back with a swagger. If he can convince a table of rubes, the old 'I need to find the jeweled scarab of the...something for the orphan ponies down in the wild village of something' should melt Princess Celestia like butter. The expedition could take weeks!

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
On a cruise ship.

Delta Requiem:
(I want to slap that first-class pony. Calling me a 'hobo', what nerve!)

(Delta's been begging for a pass, too?)

(yes, she's very clearly a busker, or a street performer :P)

Delta Requiem:
(Well, she asked the ticket-taker about it. Remember?)

(True... but I don't think there are too many ponies who would be confused about Delta's gender.)

Delta Requiem:
(Oh, the pony was talking about the totally-not-a-changeling pegasus and his poofy-maned friend, right?)

(If I told you, that would be OOC knowledge.) ;)

No no no.

This is where you do

(So, Horatio, you said in your internal monologue that you were going to check on your pass. Aside from changing your outfit, what do you do?)


(After you finish whatever you're saying now.)

(The Gendo face was implied. Though personally, I'm more of a Havelock Vetinari fan.)

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Horatio does indeed check on his pass. He also has to trim his stubble and get into his rough but quaint suit.

(And how, exactly, do you check on your pass?)

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
We...have them, right?

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Oh, I get you. Horatio makes sure it is where he left it.

Delta Requiem:
(Do you open the envelope and look inside, do you shake it to hear the pass, do you feel it?)

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
He doesn't perform any sort of alchemical test on it.

The sealed envelope is indeed exactly where you left it.

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
And it doesn't look any flatter

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Or perhaps less pompous.

* Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire DOES have an inordinately high horse sense.

With the envelope sealed, a thin card inside, just the same as when you received it.

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
Well then!

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:
It must still be there.

Delta Requiem:
(So only Glacier has had the card stolen.)

* Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire slides the card into his suit pocket.

You mean the envelope?

Horatio Fisticuffs III, Esquire:

Alright. So, let's see... want to switch to someone else?

Sorry if I wasn't more interesting!


(it'll surely be more interesting when you try entering the ball with an old baseball card :P)

(AFK real quick.)

Delta Requiem:
(Hm... Well, Delta doesn't have much to do, aside from keep playing. I think this is Glacier and Bolt's party for now.)

(:noms muffin)

(Back. Okay, so I guess we'll go back to the griffon and orphan.)

(And I'm pretty sure 'Griffon & Orphan' is an Equestrian buddy cop series.)

Delta Requiem:
(... Awfully quiet here...)


((I believe I had the last words last time, so it's up to Bolt and Pants to kick off the conversation. :) ))

(Care to remind us what those last words were, since you're being such a stickler about it?) ;)


((Sure, one sec. :) ))

*sighs, lowering his head a little* I see. Well, thank you then. I suppose we should keep looking then.

((And then Pants suggested asking ponies who were around at the time it went missing.))

Pantalones Enfuego:
"Of course, it could have fallen into the ventilation shafts," he adds, pointing to one of the many vents lining the floor along the walls. "Though if that happened, I would say joor chances of finding it again are even less good."

((How big are the vents?))

(Not Mission Impossible style where they're wide enough for Big Mac to run through or anything. Just regular vents with slots that a piece of card could easily slip through.)

* Bolt nods at Pants' words, "Unless you had something able to crawl through the vents to go after it. Ah think maybe you should stick with finding ponies who were around when you lost it, whenever that was."

((Big enough for a fruit bat? :) ))

(if you can get it open, yes.)

(You would have to get past the grate, though.)

*looks at the vent Mr. Enfuego pointed out, then over at Duri. The fruit bat gives a sigh of the 'Of course' sort and flaps over to the vent once the griffon lets him go, the pair stepping over to examine it to see how if it's at any way possible to be opened*

The grate covering the vent is fastened into place, but it's bolted shut, not welded.

Delta Requiem:
(All you need is a screwdriver)

(but he's not the Doctor)

Delta Requiem:
(I didn't say 'sonic screwdriver' :P)


*looks back over at the pair of ponies* Um, would either of you know where we could find something to open this with?

* Bolt could probably open it, but looks around, then up at Pants. Not really wanting to risk getting in trouble or anything. Not like this anyways.

Pantalones Enfuego:
Pantalones returns the look, apparently sharing the same sentiment. Putting a hoof on Bolt's back, he looks back at Glacier and asks, "Why don't joo ask one of the crew? I still have to get this little angelita something to eat."

*ohs, looking a little disapointed even though he really didn't expect fellow passengers to know where tools could be found on the ship* Sure, ok. Thank you for your help. Come on, Duri, let's go find one of the crew. Maybe we can find an open vent on the way. *the bat flies upward to perch on the griffon's head, giving a little bow and wave to Bolt and Mr. Enfuego as Glacier walks off*

* Bolt waves a hoof back at the bat. "You're welcome"

Pantalones Enfuego:
Pantalones waves back as well. When they're out of sight, he says to Bolt, "Well, they seemed pleasant. Now, let us get joo something for joor empty stomach, and we can discuss important things."

* Bolt smiles and says chipperly, "Yes Uncle Pants, whatever you say!" n.n

Pantalones Enfuego:
(Something about that just sounds so wrong.)

(Okay, so shall we continue with Bolt and find out what 'Uncle Pants' is offering, or Glacier and Duri?)

((It's like a Choose Your Adventure book. Though hopefully with less death.))

Delta Requiem:
(I liked the Goosebumps books that were like that... wow, I feel old.)

(Hey, hey, feeling old is MY job in this group.)


Delta Requiem:
(Anyway, I vote Glacier and Duri)

(Alright, since neither of them are saying anything, let's go with that.)

(works for me)

(someone get ready the yakkety sax)

((Heh, ok.))

(( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNBL5OMeuno ))

After leaving the two unicorns, Glacier, you soon find a maintenance pony trying to be as inconspicuous as possible down the corridor leading to your quarters.

(around there.)

*spots the pony and points him out to Duri with a talon, not really noticing any sort of odd attitude about him* Hey, he looks like he might know where we can open up one of those holes.

*the griffon steps over towards the pony slowly, looking a little nervous as he speaks up* Uh, hello? Could you help us?

The maintenance worker looks up at the griffon and blinks in surprise at the winged predator and his not-a-pet. "Depends on what you need help with," he replies. "I'm not a waiter, so I can't fetch you a bottle of champagne or anything, but if you've got a leaky faucet in your quarters, I'm your stallion."

*tries his best to put on an innocent smile on his beak* Well, actually, we sorta need to borrow one of your tools. Whatever can open one of those. *he quickly looks around and points out a nearby vent to the worker*

The pony arches an eyebrow. "I could, though I'm not supposed to without a good reason. What happened? You drop a ring down there or something?"

*scratches the back of his neck nervously* Actually, we think our ticket to the ball fell into one.

(Roll Persuasion)

Glacier rolls Persuasion (21)

The maintenance pony oofs and shakes his head. "Well darn, that's a tough break. Be a shame if you lost your chance to meet the princess because of some silly accident... If I open it up, can your little friend there search for it without getting lost?"

*Duri stands up straight, puffing up his little fur-spikes as he squeaks a few times at the pony, pointing a wing at him. Glacier simply nods before realizing that the pony probably didn't understand a word of that* Oh, he said yes.

The stallion nods. "Alright, but just for a few minutes." With that, the earth pony grabs a wrench with his teeth and unfastens the bolts, soon flipping the grate open for Duri. (Incidentally, if Horatio happens to finish his pre-supper primping, this is what he'll see.)

*Duri wastes no time flying inside, Glacier soon after trying to stick his head inside the vent* Be careful in there, Duri! Don't get lost!

(Alright, have Duri roll a Perception check to search.)

« 1d20+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 »

The fruit bat doesn't find a pass or anything like that as he makes his way along the ventilation shaft, but he does pick up the sounds of conversations echoing around him. It's very faint, but for one moment, he catches a snippet of speech that sounds like somepony saying, "--right from under his beak."

*pauses as he hears the words and impulsively makes his way down the vent to where he thinks they came from*

(Gimme another roll, because actually locating it is going to be much more difficult.)

« 1d20+5 = 16 + 5 = 21 »

(Hmmm, not good enough to navigate toward unless you throw a Magic Point on that.)

((No MP on the bat, remember?))

(But Glacier does, and I'm considering Duri a sort of extension of your character. It's just that he doesn't have his OWN MP pool to draw on.)

((Ah, ok. Fine then, point expended.))

Glacier uses Heroic Surge Magic Interrupt -now at 0 MP Trigger: You or an ally you can see makes a skill check. Effect: Add a +10 bonus to the triggering check.

The constant barrage of noise from so many other openings is distracting, but Duri is able to focus and work out which way to go, leading him down into the engineering level of the ship.

Amidst the thrum of machinery, Duri overhears a second voice asking, "And he didn't notice a thing?" To which the first replies, "Of course not, that's why I got put on this job in the first place. Even if he's noticed by now, what's he gonna do, make a scene? Even if he does raise a stink about it, there's nothing to trace it back to you."

*quickly looks for a vent now that he has a bead on the voices, wanting to see the faces behind them as well as see if what they're talking about involves the missing pass*

Duri reaches the end of the line, finding a grate closest to where the voices are speaking from. From there, he's able to make out the outlines of two stallions, but any other features are obscured by the angle and darkness. "And what about my 'wife'? You took care of her, too?" The first voice replies soothingly, "Relax, another one of us already took care of it. Switched the envelope on some loud-mouthed moron. The sort of guy who, if he tries to kick up a fuss about it, everypony'll just think he's trying to scam an extra pass."

(baseball card)

((Wow, I wonder to whom they're refering to... ;) ))

(Pants, obviously :P)


THis can be solved with violence, I'm sure of it.

((Any more to the conversation?))

(Well, if Duri doesn't have an immediate reaction to that, I'll just continue.)

((Go on. :) ))

The second stallion nods. "Alright. We'll do our job, so just keep your own head down. For the master." "For the master," the first stallion replies, and they part ways. The second ends up moving completely out of sight before Duri picks up any identifying features, but the first steps past the grate he's positioned at, giving him a better chance at identification. (gimme another Perception.)

« 1d20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25 »

(you see EEEEVERYTHING....)

(and here I was gonna say to juice on their heads, they'll look up :P)

Not only does Duri EASILY recognize the stallion as the porter who accompanied him and Glacier to their room, but the stallion stops for a moment and takes off his hat, fanning himself with it to cool himself from the heat of the nearby machinery. In that moment, Duri spots a mark tattooed to the back of the pony's head. It's small and would easily be concealed by the stallion's hat and mane, but it looks like an eye.

Delta Requiem:
(And in an anime, the scene would shift to Bolt and Enfuego having lunch.)

(At the VERY least, it's worth a 'dun dun dunnn!')


*if the griffon had witnessed all this, most likely he would fret and worry over having stumbled into something possibly complicated and dangerous. He'd also ask the fruit bat for advice over the situation, something he would regret seconds later...*

*...as the fruit bat, who DID witness this and reconizes the porter begins letting out a tirade of furious squeaks, bashing at the grate with his 'hands' and feet in most likely a vain attempt to get at the thief*

This makes the porter jump in startlement. "What the buck?!" Quickly realizing that the sound is coming from the vents instead of an angry pony coming down the hall, he catches his breath. "Whew... just a rat stuck in the vents. Almost had me worried there," he muses to himself before walking away.

*doesn't stop his understandably-irrate assault on the thing keeping him from getting to the porter until the thief's gone. He then pauses, huffing for air until he stops, holding up his 'hands' as he collects himself, smoothing over any raised strands of fur on his head before he flaps back the way he came*

(Okay, so Duri should be able to find his way back easily enough. This would be a good spot to pack it up, too, unless anybody has a little bit more that they want to do.)

Delta Requiem:
(I can't think of anything)

(good here)


(Sorry I haven't had much for you to do, Delta.)

Delta Requiem:
(No worries.)

(she needs to go busking, lute case open before here, a few bits tossed in to give ponies the right idea)

Delta Requiem:
(She doesn't have a case, she carries the lute across her back.

(steal someone's hat :3)

Sorry, was taking care of family stuff while the spotlight wasn't on me

I'm fine.

(you got a baseball card there Horatio)

(*chuckles* Well, I've set up an opportunity for her to get a pass, but apparently the situation isn't quite right yet for her to think it's a viable idea for her in-character.)

(I'd say pokeman card, but Glacier's got that covered)

(that opportunity being the 'Best Couple' contest held among the coach passengers later this evening. But since Delta doesn't have a partner... Anyway, let's pick this up again on Wednesday if that works for you guys.)

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