• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2018

The F8ful 1

16, writer, homestuck, planeswalker, (zodiac) Cancer

More Blog Posts26

  • 572 weeks

    Wow... it has been a long time, hasn't it?
    Huh, I spent a lot of time here. (Intense waves of nostalgia are up in this biznitch)
    I always liked making lists, even when unnecessary. ESPECIALLY when unnecessary.
    To-do list
    1. Slice of Life story, no gimmicks past that really. Just... one pony in Manehatten... living.

    Read More

    6 comments · 565 views
  • 622 weeks
    Season Finale

    -First response (Before Episode)- Okay, so I guess what they're doing is giving the mane 6 a motor boat, giving Twilight Sparkle some water skis and having Twilight... jump a shark.
    -Second Response (First Song)- What did they do to the opening sequence. Oh, looks like everything is right in Ponyville except, of course, the mane 6. Yeeeaaah, right @_@

    Read More

    4 comments · 502 views
  • 623 weeks
    [no title]

    The mane 6 are a bunch of fools. introducing the wrong person, they are a bunch of fools. It's cannon

    0 comments · 518 views
  • 623 weeks

    Rainbow Dash's Dad's hair is rainbow also!!! It's CANNON!!
    Expect a myriad of these!!

    0 comments · 457 views
  • 623 weeks

    Rainbow Dash's Dad's hair is rainbow also!!! It's CANNON!!
    Expect a myriad of these!!

    0 comments · 456 views

Return · 4:25am Feb 3rd, 2014

Wow... it has been a long time, hasn't it?
Huh, I spent a lot of time here. (Intense waves of nostalgia are up in this biznitch)
I always liked making lists, even when unnecessary. ESPECIALLY when unnecessary.
To-do list
1. Slice of Life story, no gimmicks past that really. Just... one pony in Manehatten... living.
2. Will try to do a LONG fic on ponies in a pokemon region. Confusing aspects still being pondered.

Past year retrospective
1. Got over myself and learned how to write like a competent human (+1 points)
2. Avoided season 4 like the plague. Remains to be seen if this is positive or negative.
3. Played a lot of MtG. (monetarily -100000000, happiness +2)
4. Read Homestuck... again... and again... and again... and a few more times. (at first a +3, then became a -X where X is shame you thought I had)
5. ROM hacking Pokemon Emerald (Still in progress) (+12)

I am more curious as to what has been happening here. Noting a few changes, but curious even still.
Signing off, for now,

Report The F8ful 1 · 565 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

2. Avoided season 4 like the plague. Remains to be seen if this is positive or negative.

Why do this?

1790747 Season 3 left a bad taste in my mouth, probably a big reason why I left for as long as I did. Before it began, I told myself that I wouldn't watch it until the season was entirely over and three other bronies told me that it was good. So far only one has sung praise.

1790753 Make that two.

Season 4 is great. They've been handling alicorn Twilight fairly well, and they've really put an emphasis on spreading the spotlight to the Mane 6. Before it was "Twilight and Co." But now she's taken a step back and let others shine.

1790755 That's actually the best thing you could have said about it. Looking back, I think it was mostly fandom drama and Twilight Sparkle that made me drop ship for a while. It wasn't so bad I doused everything pony with gasoline and burned them, I just let it fall by the wayside.
Enough about me, however. I see you've amassed a large following of Echoes. What have you been up to?

1790767 Sadly, canceling Echoes. Didn't like what I had for the story.

However, working on a new FoE fic that tentatively may involve a Wastelander getting transported back to pre-War Equestria. (As in, no war whatsoever)

It's this Wastelander's apathy and callousness against a world where no such emotions seem to exist yet.

Definetly going to avoid the cliche "send him/her to the mane 6 for therapy".

1790776 Ooh, that's actually a pretty good idea. Yeah, I understand cancelling it. One glance at my list and you'll know I'm not one to judge. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor. While I may not be immediately accessible, I will be willing to preread or edit. Happily, I have gotten incredibly better with grammar and other conventions, so I may be able to help a bit.

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