• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 20th, 2014

Painted Ribbon

More Blog Posts5

  • 563 weeks
    Happy Jinx Day!

    Happy Jinx Day everyone!

    Jinx day? What the ever loving f**k is that?!
    Why hello there rude, bolded and underlined title! Jinx Day is the day that I post one of the two stories that inspired me to create an account on here. That story is called Furry Jinxes!

    And what the h*ll is it about?!

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    2 comments · 396 views
  • 566 weeks
    That one story

    I've been a member since January...and I've posted only one story. This is what school and life does to you. I'm beginning to gain control of everything again and I thought I'd talk about the latest (and only) christmas short story I wrote.

    Painted Ribbon, what the hell is this?! I demand a name!

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    2 comments · 289 views
  • 586 weeks
    Really? Oatmeal?

    Okay. My last blogpost...felt incredibly not well written. It was just a really kooky way of saying that I`m still alive. I`ve been traveling a lot lately so I didn`t have much time and access to a computer. Even when I did, I didn`t have internet. So I`m now reposting the descriptions to all the stories that I mentioned in my last post.

    Furry Jinxes

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    3 comments · 343 views
  • 589 weeks
    Well, something...Close enough.

    If you clicked on this blog post then congratulations! You win...something. Right-o! I haven't been able to work on my stories much due to lack of either internet, computer or both. I'm also doing alot of traveling so there isn't enough time anyway. But, enough about that. Let's talk about ideas for new stories!

    Jinxed Love

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    0 comments · 326 views
  • 601 weeks
    Current Stories

    I'm working on two stories currently. One which is called "Bad Apple" and another which is called "Cruel Moon."

    Bad Apple

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Happy Jinx Day! · 4:35am Jan 20th, 2014

Happy Jinx Day everyone!

Jinx day? What the ever loving f**k is that?!
Why hello there rude, bolded and underlined title! Jinx Day is the day that I post one of the two stories that inspired me to create an account on here. That story is called Furry Jinxes!

And what the h*ll is it about?!
Furry Jinxes is a romantic comedy about 2 young ponies, Aquatic Chance and Jester Jinx, who are both victims of bullying. Together they-

Watch me while I interrupt your telling of the story!!! Why are they victims of bullying?!
That's for you to find out in the story and for me to...do whatever it is I do! Now where was I... Oh yeah!

Together they get involved in a bunch of shenanigans in the catastrophe that is their life but, that's just how it is when you are against the world. Might as well be against the world together.


Alright, if you want a better description...

Jester Jinx and Aquatic Chance are both victims of the same problem, bullying. They both have been hurt to the point that they decided they could escape this terrible prison of life whenever they wanted, in their own way. There has to be more to life, right? They both have one thing in common and that's their situation. So instead of suffering from the insanity, why don't we enjoy every minute of it? Then you all are sent into the giant catastrophic train wreck that is their adventure as they go from grocery shop cart racing to "science" experiments to nearly-ending-life-as-they-know-it-scenarios. Of course as they grow and age, scenarios will unfold, rules will be shattered and they'll touch each other in ways they never dreamed of.

Why, yes rude, bolded and underlined title! If you need a good laugh, a bright smile and a warm heart then this story is for you!

That's all I have to say for now. Where I am, it's pretty late. I hope to make you all smile once this story is approved!

You never do.

F**K YOU!!!
I love you too.

Report Painted Ribbon · 396 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I love these posts. :scootangel:

WELL I DON'T!!1!1!1
We all love you too. :heart:

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