Ho Ho Holy Moly... · 1:42am Dec 3rd, 2013
Look at the time fly by! Finals are upon us, and I've updated my avatar to be full of holiday cheer. December has arrived! Food comas from Thanksgiving are fading, and the nausea of delayed studying replaces them.
Haven't been reading much pony-fiction, but the first three episodes of Season 4 have me on edge: I forecast doom and gloom, as always, and an end to the fandom and Faust abandoned us and blah, blah, blah... Of course I'll be sticking around to see what's in the box, but other than that we're all doomed.
This week I tried to get into a different series: "Otherland" by Tad Williams. I don't know if all these FimFics ruined my perception of reality, or if the real-world producers are all afraid of no longer being "with it", but it's terrible Sci-Fi. Everyone's opinion of Sci Fi differs, but I'm getting the feeling NY Times thought bigger = better. Nothing worse than reading 800 pages of setup and then deciding you don't care enough to buy the rest of the tetralogy.
One the plus side, I've learned some more guidelines for writing. For example: if you use Sci-Fi as a setting so you can put your characters into virtual fantasy worlds with dangerously real simulations... maybe you should stay in the Fantasy setting to begin with? Also, if you can't complete a single plotline in 800 pages, then maybe you should trim down the book.
For my next post, I kind of want to talk about romance, ponies, comedy and going too far. Send me links to anything particularly good or particularly bad, please!
Hmm... I better review what constitutes NSFW blog posts.