• Member Since 30th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2017


I'm just a fun loving, awesome, Pokéfan, Minecrafting, girl who loves ponies! (This is too much of a cringe relic to change I'm sorry)

More Blog Posts9

  • 371 weeks
    Regarding the Rewrites

    After reviewing the rules for submission, I've realized my rewrites would be better suited for someplace like Fanfiction.net or Wattpad. Once enough work is done, I will post links to these rewritten stories.

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  • 371 weeks
    Nearly Four Years Later

    Hoooooooo boy. I haven't been on this site in 3 years, haven't published something in more. I apologize for A) My huge hiatus and B) Subjecting you to the cringe of a 10/11 year old me. I'm going to redo my first work to make it not complete garbageWhich may or may not be impossible considering how bad it is..Now that I can take criticism, it should be easier. However, I

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  • 551 weeks
    Let's Get Serious.

    I geuss now you need to know the update schedule. I will try to update once or twice a week. That's about it.

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  • 551 weeks
    It got approved! YAY! YAY! YAY!


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  • 551 weeks
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! A few hours early my time....

    Lets celebrate with some dancing ponies!

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So I was on candy last night...... · 10:48pm Nov 2nd, 2013

Last night I had like 50 pieces of candy. When I started dreaming bucking weird things. Buck, in one of em, a friend and I were trying to get one of my enemies banished to the moon! To end all the crazy, Celestia threw a giant bag of sugar at me! Point is, sugar can buck up your dreams.

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