Time to get serious. . . Hopefully · 11:13pm Oct 16th, 2013
Allllrighty then! Time for some updateroonies.
Well maybe first off I should say that I've lost almost all motivation for working on Foreigner or Risky Business. Sorry guys. But I've focused more on other things.
And by other things. . . I mean a new story. Heh, yeah I got this amazing idea after watching Top Gun for maybe the fifth time ever and thought about Rainbow in the wonderbolt academy. But I decided to spice it up a little. You know, change the setting, the plot, the time frame. . . all that jazz. But in all seriousness. . . there is probably no way in hell that I'll be posting this story anytime soon. EVEN if the first chapter is done. I just don't feel like worrying what other people would think of the story right now. I want to enjoy the pure awesome feelings it brings to me when I write it. I was kind of hoping for this to be a short-ish story, but ended up flowing into about ten thousand words inide my head. SO maybe it'll be multiple chapters, or one huge 25 thousand word chapter. . . who knows?
Also, I'll be posting the next chapter of Foreigner EVENTUALLY. Because as of right now it is currently "under proofreading" by theone2three. Really awesome guy, offered to proofread my stories for me. So as soon as that's done I'll post it and shoot for the feature list goal. Maybe it won't be with THAT particular story. . . but whatever. Yesterday I spent all of my free-time watching war movies. Like Platoon and Saving Private Ryan. Such awesome movies