• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2022


More Blog Posts6

  • 529 weeks
    So, guess what?

    I'm gonna say this first, before I say something stupid. . . I'm really tired. . .

    Ok! So now that that's out of the way, I've got some news! Now, if you haven't noticed, I've had an extended leave of absence from writing stories. But that's about to change. . . sorta. . .

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  • 565 weeks
    Let's see here

    Ok. I honestly don't know what to do next. Sure the whole 'do what you feel should be done first' idea worked for me before, but now I'm desperately searching for something to write on, as all of my games are seemingly boring. The only thing I have to keep myself occupied is new movie releases on Netflix. (Not entirely horrible, but I prefer not to spend my entire Friday watching two hour long

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  • 568 weeks
    A Fluke. . .

    I have to admit. . . I'm pretty disappointed that the most I got out of posting the new chapter for Foreigner was one more favorite. . . and about five or so more views. . .

    But for my proofreader theone2three, I wholeheartedly thank you for your efforts.

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  • 569 weeks
    Time to get serious. . . Hopefully

    Allllrighty then! Time for some updateroonies.

    Well maybe first off I should say that I've lost almost all motivation for working on Foreigner or Risky Business. Sorry guys. But I've focused more on other things.

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  • 570 weeks
    What can you do about personality?

    Welcome to the blog post where I tell you about my problems and why you haven't seen any sort of activity from me! Yay happy days! But in all honesty, Holy shit, last blog post was August 7th!? Jesus I've got some serious issues. Lazy Lazy Lazy. God I'm so lazy it's not even worth making a joke about.

    Okay. . . so first off on my checklist; Activity.

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What can you do about personality? · 3:30pm Oct 6th, 2013

Welcome to the blog post where I tell you about my problems and why you haven't seen any sort of activity from me! Yay happy days! But in all honesty, Holy shit, last blog post was August 7th!? Jesus I've got some serious issues. Lazy Lazy Lazy. God I'm so lazy it's not even worth making a joke about.

Okay. . . so first off on my checklist; Activity.
Obviously I haven't been posting any chapters or any blog posts to keep you guys updated on things. My goal was to get something up before the school-year started, but clearly that didn't happen, and I ended up getting set back on AP classes and an Accelerated Math class that I have a hard time maintaining a C in. So yeah, sort of stressful, but I assure you I've taken the past week to working on small bits of each story. Especially Foreigner. I'm really into that story myself and have worked my ass off on it, (Really that only means about three chapters, so that's your opinion if it's good progress or not). I probably rewrote each chapter about two times, so in my eyes they're perfect. But I probably missed some things here and there.

Hah, I didn't notice that I had gained three more followers until a few weeks ago.

Anyways, I actually visit the site everyday, but usually it's to check if any of the stories I've favorite have been updated. And ironically I get annoyed when they haven't posted a chapter in three days. I'm laughing at my own hypocrisy. I guess a start could be posting a blog every once in a while. Let you guys know about any progress I've made. I can promise you at least two new chapters for Foreigner within the next week or so. Maybe it seems like a long time but I have a hard time managing my daily life as it is.

And after countless searches on Bing for this avatar, I finally found it on Google! This is the avatar I've wanted all along. Perfect Twilight Therapist. Well she looks like a writer doesn't she? Although I would have gone for a more 'colorful' version of it, this was the best I could find. And just my luck the dimensions when I first downloaded it were way over the limit for FiMFiction. So I spent about three hours after that trying to resize the damn thing.

If I spend enough time on it today I might just be able to finish the next chapter of Foreigner for you guys. Oh god I'm hungry. Maybe my good luck will spare me an enjoyable meal somewhere.

EDIT: Hah, normally I wouldn't edit a blog post but it seems that nobody has really vieed it yet anyways (besides me). After posting the blog this morning I wasn't able to finish any more chapters for Foreigner. God why am I like this? No matter. Instead I seemed to add about three thousand extra words to the story. So far I'm a little over 6 thousand. This part of the story I'm trying to get out of the way, but not make it too boring. Usually the whole greeting part gets a little outdated if it's put in multiple chapters. So why not put it into one big chapter? School tomorrow is going to be a bugger. It's one of those nights where I won't be able to fall asleep until maybe 11:30. Even if I go to bed now, I know I won't sleep. I hate Mondays. . .

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