• Member Since 21st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 28th, 2023


More Blog Posts19

  • 65 weeks

    I want to keep going with The Price of Wings... kinda.

    See, I recently stumbled on the old notes I had for the story and realized that the final chapters were... never really written down. I had ideas but I figured I'd get them down later, after writing the rest of it.

    The thing is, it would be a LONG story to finish it all.

    But I still DO want to finish it.

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  • 312 weeks
    The price of wings ch 06

    I'm working on the latest chapter. I am sorry it's been taking so long. I swear I did not mean for this to go on for this long with no updates. If I can juggle things right I will update more often.

    That being said, if anybody would like to help me proofread these that would be appreciated.

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  • 442 weeks
    Coming soon

    Just in case anybody was curious, yes I am working on the latest chapter of The price of Wings, I'm proofreading it right now. I got a good method for it too. I put the text in a text-to-speech program and let it read the thing to me. Seriously, I've been over the chapter so many times that's the only way I can go over it, either one painstakingly piece at a time, or by listening to it. It's a

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  • 452 weeks
    Defending Celestia Part 3

    ACCUSATION: That Celestia has allowed a little Pegasus Filly with a crippling disability to remain in that state without using her powers to heal her. (AKA, why has Celestia not healed Scootaloo?)

    RESPONSE: Manifold... in 3 basic parts. "healing", "powers", "disability"

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  • 453 weeks
    chapter 5

    It has been a year and a half since chapter 4 of TPOW was posted, to anybody that was waiting though, the wait is over. I've finally finished the chapter and am now on the proofreading stage. Also, I got the advice that if I want to write better, I need to read good books. So I've started re-reading Harry Potter book-5.

    Currently the chapter is a good 27 pages long.

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on rants, warning RANT... or not · 10:00pm Sep 4th, 2013

So anyway, I was... You know what? I can't. I was going to make some long rant about others who complain about things (to me) and specifically about those who complain and DON'T offer any solutions to their problems or ask for help, and REALLY about those who complain using the absolute WORST assumptions possible. This particularly irks me becuase I get that enough at home as it is. But I can't really complain about any of that... without making a blog that is exactly what I'm complaining agianst, a complaint without a solution, and a pointless angry rant.

And an angry rant, on a site hosting fanfics about the most popular "love and tollerate" show this decade (century?) ?! no, just... no.

So instead, let's talk about the recent chapter update!


So, TPoW 2. This chapter was not easy for me. mostly for two reasons. 1, it was surprisingly hard to go through that scene at the end and 2, it was hard to know when to stop. I suppose if there is a third reason it's becuase "the pit" went through like five different re-writes before I was finally satisfied. I originally used alot more words to describe it in great detail but then I realized that the details about it didn't really matter as much so I shortened it down. This I hope helps to keep the reader's attention while reading the description so they can imagine the rest of the details themselves.

The whole "split hoof" thing was something that's been in the works for a long time. Originally I was going to give Cobalt the recurring line "pegasi are indestructable" which I got from watching RD crash into... well, everything. Now I don't know about all pegasi, but RD is darn near indestructable, that's just fact, no wonder she wasn't worried about starving when she was stuck in ghastly gorge!

I've toned down that phrase though, it makes it seem like I'm actually trying to make him invincible and a lot of the story has changed since then. The original point was to show how many meat grinders I could throw at him but, honeslty, I don't really like that as much.

There was a specific kind of attitude I wanted to convey him going through when the split-hoof incident happened, I don't know if I transmitted that very well.

Oh, I had to rewrite the harvest thing due to RL circumstances. See, I originally didn't have a festival for them to attend, instead it was simply harvesting it all and taking their produce to market. Of course this is November we're talking about and currently IRL it's September (early) and we've got a bumper crop of pumpkins that are (most of them anyway) nearly ready to harvest as it is! As such, I made it so they are finishing up their harvesting (some things get harvested later than others) and then preparing them for market.

My (brief) description of the harvest festival was based on my (brief) experience with a farmer selling something called the "jiffy hitch" that he needed help selling to others. Me and a buddy would take turns each hour sitting in the tractor, moving it back, lowering the gear and listening it "snap into" the jiffy hitch, raising the gear and the apparatus it had attached to (I forget what it was, I think it was a bushhog) and moving the tractor, then we'd move the tractor back again, lower the gear, pull a rope and the jiffy hitch would release the bushhog and then move the tractor again. hitching and unhitching took about fifteen seconds. I was bored out of my mind, repeating the same thing every fifteen seconds all hour long. It was worse than trying to level up my pokemon team when some of them I haven't taken out since five badges ago!

Anyway, the open tent, the trail that existed more from people walking than for any other force, that's all I could use to describe it (we didn't have much time or money for sightseeing) so that's all I could say really.

I should mention now that the main villain has undergone some changes as well. His most recent iteration change occured AFTER writing chapter 1!.

This is... actually rather typical of me. I'll know where I want the story to end, but knowing how to get it there... is an evolving process. At least last time I wrote an interdimensional fic I was able to avoid needing to retcon anything so that's good. Hopefully I'll do even better this time around.

So, yeah, about Jazz. I've never really liked that kind of music, never hated it but it's not my thing. I groaned when playing Portal 2 and they said "smoothe jazz will accompany you during the duration of the test" and I breathed a sigh of relief when it died. If that is the only kind of jazz there is then I can say I hate jazz but I presume it is not (otherwise why call it "smoothe" jazz) so I also presume I do not "hate" it per se'.

So, that's about it I think. I cut chapter 2 short beucase I realized that the aftermath to the "split hoof" incident could be used as the beginning of chapter 3 and if I need more material then I just use a "report" to time skip ahead to the next incident/event.

So, anyway, thanks for reading, I hope the story(s) only get better as they get younger!

I mean... you... you know what I mean.

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